Category Archives: social media


So let me get this right, because I’ve been seeing this position since the incident occurred. So when encountered by law enforcement, despite the circumstances, one should be cooperative, patient, bite their tongue and potentially allow their rights to be violated for fear of being taken into custody or perhaps death (worst case scenario)? Well how come I don’t see this turn the other cheek sh*t when you’re on everybody’s social media posts talking about how a b*tch cut you off in traffic, tried you at the restaurant, hated on you in the club or a f*ck n*gga sizing you? So what you’re saying is you’re “gorilla” with ordinary Joe’s/Jane’s but pooch up when it comes to authority figures? Doesn’t the average individual have the propensity to become violent, which may lead to a physical altercation that could end in death? People who wield power, whether wearing a police/correctional uniform, having the ability to brandish a weapon or being in charge of approving a loan will exert that power because they feel their current positions (at that moment) provide a sense of superiority. When people question that authority & fight back, unfortunately instances like Sandra Bland occur. So if you’re saying fighting back and standing up for what’s right is no longer an option, then what was the point of our ancestors being lynched, sprayed with water hoses, being bitten by dogs, marching/protesting and beaten by cops for? What was the point in having a Malcolm, Martin, Meager, Huey, Marcus, Bobby and Ali to point out these atrocities, standing in our stead facing that same abuse and ridicule? So the next time somebody’s cursing you out, gets your order wrong at a restaurant or provides poor customer service, don’t get mad; don’t ask for a manager, don’t raise up and act as if you’re gonna retaliate or create a problem, because f*ck it! You’re turning the other cheek and practicing good deescalation tactics and people skills. There’s a saying when dealing with the police, “You may beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride!” The ride shouldn’t result in death because of a simple traffic citation or disagreement of principles; no matter the circumstances. No one is saying not to respect authority, but damnit, you desire respect as an individual as well. You shouldn’t have to compromise that. I swear, hindsight be 20/20 like a muthaf*cka! Like a majority of us don’t allow our emotions to get the best of us when confronted or in a heated debate. There’s a war on melanin taking place all over the globe and y’all trying to rationalize. Da f*ck outta here! “We Are The Change!”

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“Now let’s talk about freedom…
The Negro says I want my freedom now, and others say never.
The voice of a responsible, educated, non-bias person says, togetherness, there is no other way.
Until justice is blind of color,
Until education is unaware of race,
Until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of a man’s skin,
Emancipation will always be a proclamation, but not a fact.
You see prejudice squints when it looks, and lies when it talks.
Damn fools!”

I used that monologue while attending college for a presentation, and who would’ve known that the speech would continue to hold such merit today. I understand everyone’s upset! I know the pain all too well; witness it first hand (the psychological ramifications) and read about it on a daily basis as do you. So because of the anger we harbor inside, we feel it’s necessary to unleash our fury on anything & anyone who opposes us. So we burn down the stores where we shop to attain the necessities in life; we vandalize structures that were the pillars of our community; we destroy all the things that had meaning, that were monuments, beacons and landmarks which served as gathering spots. But now think of this, that structure you demolished; those dreams which were quickly dashed by setting those buildings ablaze; a lifetime of work and money invested reduced to ashes, were they Black owned? If not, then who stands to win? The “true” owners will reap the benefits of the destruction by receiving a check from the insurance company. The losers are those who no longer have that establishment to return to. And it isn’t their moral obligation to reestablish that company that you’ve now destroyed. They can cut their losses and head off into the sunset check in hand. Vacant lots make the property value go down; reacquire, resell and turn another profit. Hmmm…

From the time of the shooting until the decision was made last night, monies were being collected for both Mike Brown’s family and Darren Wilson. By late August, Wilson had collected almost $350,000, while Brown’s Memorial Fund collected $214,000. So with Wilson set to resign and move forward with his life, he has monies to be able to sustain for quite sometime, allow the media madness to die down before moving on to his next venture. Meanwhile, there’s no dollar amount that can replace the life of a loved one; as life is more precious than a “Promissory Note”.


Lastly, the misnomer of “Black on Black” is ridiculous. There’s no such thing. Sure the message was clear in the song “Self Destruction.” We view the headlines from Chiraq (Chicago), Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami Gardens reporting the incidents. However, the term is a media creation to instill fear and give the appearance that this is a problem which takes place solely in OUR community. If you live in Liberty City, Overtown, Opa Locka, Richmond Heights, Perrine, Goulds, etc, who else are Black people going to commit crimes against? You commit crimes against those you’re most associated with or live in close proximity to. “Black represent 13% of the population but commit 50% of the murders; 90% of Black victims are murdered by other Blacks. Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI’s most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of White-on-White crime; a (staggering) 83% of White murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.” (This was as of August 2014) I ask again, and I always harp on this, why do you think they reinforce OUR negative behavior, never insinuating the positive? Because YOU sell the newspapers, move the needle for conversation, drive the Internet with your songs, participation in sports and theatrics on television. I’m sure you weren’t aware that several young people visited Geneva for a meeting of the United Nations Committee Against Torture, refusing to back down during testimony about police brutality in the U.S. I don’t claim to know everything nor do I profess to be a prophet. The goal is to live outside of the confines of society to attain a higher understanding of oneself. As someone mentioned, the Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted one year, which conversely led to change; do y’all think not shopping on Black Friday; one day of 365 will make a difference? This sh*t is chess not checkers? “I don’t want you to think like me, I just want you to think!” #shotsfired “We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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Bonus Blog – Declaration of Independence

So during last week’s episode of the show, The Porch Reloaded with Brandt Edwards, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jerrod Johnson, Founder and CEO of Bajree Couture. Through the course of our conversation we discussed the formation of his company, the necessary steps taken to make his dreams come true and Black entrepreneurship. There weren’t any groundbreaking discoveries made to change the way business is conducted; no innovations revealed that couldn’t be found at a seminar hosted by your favorite personality; it was real, genuine, authentic dialogue held between two (2) individuals discussing the differences in being self-sufficient as opposed to a “wage slave.” He pointed out that in the Black community children are taught at an early age to attend school, graduate and pursue a career in the workforce. There’s no incentive reinforced by the elder generations to own a business or stray off the beaten path. Mr. Johnson reflected back on the career of his father, stating that while growing up his dad held a high ranking, prestigious position in the Miami-Dade County Public School System earning an exceptional salary. He relayed that his father would frequently come home disconcerted at the end of the work day and at the time he couldn’t understand why that would be the case. The explanation was simple; it doesn’t matter the dollar amount being earned or the title that precedes your name before it’s spoken, as long as you’re employed by someone and aren’t in control of your own destiny, you’ll forever be a slave. Although I had heard this before, I couldn’t help but be taken aback because the lesson was all too familiar. He then punctuated the conversation by asking the listeners this question: “Who do you know that has gotten rich by working at their job every day?” Now everyone has their own interpretation of wealth, but for me I would define it by being debt free, have a Trust (Trust Fund) to past to future generations that accounts for residual income, owning their home (homes) with no mortgage, travel to and fro without the worry of the cost of expenses, etc. Not amassing a fortune like Floyd Mayweather Jr. or Bill Gates, but the ability to live comfortably and have no pressure on their money despite any circumstance. Go down the list of your family members, peers, co-workers. I can honestly say I don’t know any. There are always exceptions; stories frequently emerge where someone invested wisely and turned their meager salary into a half a million dollar nest egg. But for the most part, many of the people I know are one paycheck away from poverty. That’s crazy!!! Furthermore, Mr. Johnson stated that anytime you’re employed by someone, you’re dependent upon them for your livelihood. If you’re fired, laid off or experience some unforeseeable life circumstance, your income is essentially cut off. In which case, most people don’t have a “Plan B” and are reliant on family members or credit cards to maintain their standard of living; or spiral into an abyss of debt, dissatisfaction and depression. What he continued to reiterate was, if you have confidence in yourself and believe in GOD (or whatever deity), why are you dependent on anyone other than yourself to feed your family and earn a comparable wage. And though it makes sense, many people weigh the factors of “Risk/Reward” and are scared to test the boundaries of their convictions. Failure is deflating; and when you involve money, the odds of people being willing to gamble on themselves in the pursuit of independence are greatly reduced. For some, it’s a matter of semantics; making a daily salary, long hours, ebbs and flows, gratification upon achieving success versus stability, pension, and health care. The choice appears obvious but there’s something to paving your own way and having something which is solely yours that you established that’s appealing. At the close, we both agreed that children should be encouraged to pursue the possibility of entrepreneurship and not directed to join the rigors of the workforce; be another replaceable cog in the wheel of industry. “If you don’t build your dreams someone will hire you to help build theirs.” – Tony Gaskins “We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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Initially, I had planned to write this as a correspondence on my wall on Facebook because the subject was a little too personal and I didn’t want it attributed to the brand I’m trying to create. But then I said to myself, “F*ck it! I’m all in!” As you well know, if you’re a follower of me and many of the endeavors I’ve established (Internet radio show, blog & Fan Page, social media, etc.) I’m real big on narcissism. And not that I’m questioning your intelligence but, here’s a definition of the word; because let’s be real, many of you have no idea of what it means. Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. Now some of you are shaking your head and saying to yourself, “Brandt…! You some bullsh*t! How da f*ck you gonna say something like that & you be posting on this muthaf*cka (social media) 100 times a day?” I know, I know! I hate the sh*t myself! It’s a necessary evil. You see, I “thought” I had established a good enough reputation with my actions, deeds, kindness and work, that I could I just “announce” I was doing something that would be beneficial to the community and enlighten the masses that people would immediately flock to it based on premise that I had a “clean face.” See, contrary to popular belief, I hate attention. I like to lurk in the shadow and remain in mystery. Sure I like to be lauded for my accomplishments, but for the most part, I’m cool with not being the center of attention. That’s not a lack of confidence, just the applause of the crowd doesn’t appeal to me because I know it can be stripped and turned into “boos” at any moment. And boy was I wrong! You have to beg for attention to captivate the public’s imagination. Thus, it requires me to be active on social media to attempt to amass an audience. The irony is, when I first established my venture, I asked a collection of “friends” should I even return to social media (because I had left) to promote and establish my brand. And from the collective it was a resounding “Yes!” It’s funny how those same individuals don’t follow the pages, approve of the information or show support to the endeavors. (Sigh) It is what it is.

The question must be asked, without social media, what would people do to garner attention? In a world where hiding behind a keyboard, your profile avatar and “check-in” location allow you to create the persona you want the world to envision, how would people receive the gratification they so desire? What I’ve learned in recent weeks is that everyone isn’t a narcissist. They say the eyes are the window to the soul; and behind the red tinted eyes of individuals in both selfies and usies are people screaming out for help. They don’t want the attention that comes with luxury and beauty. They yearn for the comfort of a warm touch; they desire an attentive ear to listen to their problems and dreams; they crave the love that’s been lost with the absence of a cherished individual or failed relationship. So to compensate, they hide behind the burst of the flash bulbs, drown their sorrows with bottles laced with sparklers paraded throughout dimly lit venues, resort to retail therapy or immerse themselves in their work to avoid the issues that plague them. I’ve met people for which, despite their beauty, job status and intellect, feel empty because they’re attempting to fill an unknown void in their lives; their self esteem plummets because of the slightest adversity. I pity them. Many of them can’t handle the pressures life has to offer and they either decide to create a persona to compensate, wallow in their misery and plunge into depression or commit suicide. That’s not to say that everyone who has over 1,000 photos of themselves falls into this category, because the large majority of the public exudes confidence. It’s the individuals that you’re unaware of that should a concern; those that portray an image that everything’s fine that you should be leery of. It breaks my heart that I know people that are unhappy with themselves despite everything they have to offer and all of their achievements. So this blog is for them. From this day forward, I won’t make disparaging remarks about those who wish to inundate the worldwide web with images of themselves. (Cross my heart) However, for those to which this applies, stop hiding behind the lens of the camera, refocus, and ask for the help you seek. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words; it’s worth even less when you don’t know and understand your value. “We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

Follow the Fan Page on Facebook : The Porch Reloaded – Rocking Chair Rebels

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Shh…! Quiet! Class Is In Session!

I’mma drop this gem and keep it moving. In the South Florida area, and much like many areas in the nation, yesterday was the first day of school. Excitement began anew as we sent our young explorers to the care of those charged with assisting to lay the foundation for their lives moving forward. But let me give you something to think about, and I may be wrong so I can be straightened. Have you ever thought how attending school strips our children of their individuality? It appears as though school is a conduit which creates motion turning the wheel that supports the corporate structure of this country. Don’t get me wrong, I believe education is paramount and the thirst for knowledge is essential in being able to survive the cruelties this world has to offer. But is standardized testing a measure of a child’s intelligence. It appears as though students are being groomed to pass a test (or series of tests) and are not prepared for the trials of everyday living upon completing their formal education. At the time of my entry into college, my SAT/ACT scores weren’t phenomenal but I was still able to get a “piece” of scholarship, graduate near honors and still accomplish great things.  Uniforms save money but hinders creativity and competition. Sh*t, who didn’t want to be freshest on the first day of school; showing off the latest fashion or the hottest trend. Now the only differentiation a person has is with their shoes and/or accessories, maybe.


If I provided you with these demographics what would you think: bells, gates & walls, one or few unlocked doors for access, timed schedule for activities, a cafeteria, drab-looking facades, cramped quarters, socialization mentality, authoritarian structure, dress code, emphasis on silence & order, negative reinforcement, walking in lines, loss of individual autonomy, abridged freedoms, no input in decision making, set times enforced for walking, eating, etc.; given all that, where would you think your child (my child) would be? If you were to say prison or school, you’d be right on both accounts. Wardens are equivalent to administrators; there’s a high inmate/student to guard/teacher ratio; and instead of lockdowns, there’s lockdown drills. This dissertation is in no way an attempt to discount the efforts of teachers, as they have the responsibility of educating students based on the curriculum they’re implored to instruct. It’s the system itself that needs to be revamped. People attend schools for ex-number of years, face enormous debt as a result of loans and then, if they’re lucky to find a job, work in an industry that suppresses their creative desires and repay those loans at a high interest rate. All the while, especially during their formative years, any thoughts of being entrepreneurs or innovators are being shredded with the sentiments shared by both parents and teachers alike, “Finish high school, go to college or get a trade, then get a job!” Is that living or slavery? What made individuals so unique in the days of yesteryear were their abilities to be sound in all aspects of life; penmanship, the studies of the sciences, philosophy, being proficient in world history and culture, which made many of our predecessors soundly astute. And despite all I’ve written, our children still have an opportunity to break the cycle destined for them if they continue to follow protocol. Like all things, it begins at home first. Equip you child with the weapons (information/knowledge) to question everything being presented to them. Be involved in their development every step of the way; ensure that they’re being challenged and their abilities are being enhanced. And lastly, encourage individualism; not saying that your child shouldn’t be sociable or be a “team player”, but as mentioned before by this writer, we were born to stand out and be from amongst the crowd by our thoughts, talents & ideals; so support that. Keep in mind that prior to the fame, success and glory, they must capitulate (Stephen A. Smith word) to the norms of society until they establish their own brand, have control of their own business and have complete sovereignty over their own assets.  All our lives we’ve been taught to avoid incarceration as it’s a detriment to anything you want to accomplish in life; so why are we subjecting our children to the psychological constraints of an educational system which in some instances has been proven to be non-beneficial. “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Invisible 0

There’s this thought that a large portion of society is oblivious to what’s taking place in the world; essentially going about their lives unconcerned with events taking place around them.  According to those who follow the teachings of the Five Percent Nation, 85% of the people are blind to the knowledge of themselves and God.  10% of the people know the truth, but teach a lie for their personal gain.  This would include religious leaders and the governments of the earth that deceive and mislead the majority of the world through the use of mass media outlets and other forms of communication.  The remaining 5% are those that do not subscribe to the teachings of the 10% and know the truth.  Alas, many won’t admit they fall into the 85 percentile because they want to be perceived as knowledgeable of all things and use their discretion when discussing an array of subject matters.  However, when pressed on their belief systems, you’ll soon discover that those who wish to separate themselves from the larger majority cannot do so because they’re entrenched in positions where their convictions won’t allow them to see humanity in any other fashion than what’s been embedded in them.  Removing the veil that blinds them from the truth is a difficult task because those ideals have been passed down for generations.  Anything new shocks the conscious; for the fear of change means rebuilding principles that were proven to be false. So to them life is about awaking each morning, preparing for work or school, taking care of loved ones, earning some semblance of an income and enjoying life’s pleasures before turning in for a night’s sleep; a recurring cycle that only changes with the proclamation of life (birth of a loved one) or death (death of a loved one).  I’ve titled this series of blogs “Invisible” for several reasons.  The word invisible is defined as impossible to see; hidden; not easily noticed or unrecorded statistically.  For those of you that study religion, you are taught to have faith; trust in the deity you worship and be assured that by following the ordinances issued in scripture, you’ll be absolved from sin and granted favor.  This belief is a contributing force that governs the human psyche and provides a sense of purpose.  God is in and all around you; controller of all things and the master of all mysteries.  Then there are the ones amongst us who remain shrouded in secrecy. When one speaks of a “secret society”, dare I say the Illuminati; a calculating elite that has intentions of controlling the planet, the same premise can be applied.  They too are invisible; and when spoken of, the hypothesis is dismissed like a plot to a James Bond movie.  No matter the evidence, the masses can’t fathom a group of individuals who can accumulate enough power to hold the populous at bay like marionettes on the puppeteer’s strings.  Amidst that speculation, it’s my job to tear down that tapestry and reveal to you what’s truly happening in the world around you. Your skepticism is meaningless when supported by the truth.  “The People must believe that they are not manipulated in order for them to be manipulated effectively.”  Keep this in mind as I provide information for this series,   “The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.” “On February 14, 2003, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization. The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.”



Let us begin and set the foundation for what’s to come.  There are three (3) places in the world that doesn’t have an allegiance to any nation and does not pay taxes.  These three (3) city-states include Washington D.C., Inner City of London and Vatican City. A city-state is an independent or autonomous entity, not administered as a part of another local government, whose territory consists of a city and possibly its surrounding territory. A city-state can also be defined as a central city and its surrounding villages, which together follow the same law, have one form of government, and share languages, religious beliefs, and ways of life. Historically these included famed cities like Rome, Athens and Carthage, but today only a handful of sovereign city-states exist, with some disagreement as to which states should and should not be considered city-states.  Vatican City was founded in 1929 and is not a considered apart of Rome or the country of Italy.  The city has its own newspaper, flag, prison and military (the Swiss Guard).  The second (2nd) is London’s Inner City.  It became a sovereign state in 1694 under King William III of Orange.  By 1812, Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and was able to wrestle away control of the Bank of England.  The city-state of London is the world’s financial center and is the wealthiest square mile on the planet.  It houses most of the banks of the world, has its own courts, laws, flag and police force.  It isn’t apart of greater London, England or the British Commonwealth and again pays no taxes.  It’s headquarters to worldwide British Freemasonry and for the Crown (which is the corporate city-state of London). The Crown is headed by a ring of thirteen (13) ruling families which include the Rothschild’s, Warburg’s, Oppenheimer’s and Schiff’s.   The last is the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.), located on ten (10) square miles of land.  It also has its own flag and constitution.  Each of these city-states has an obelisk at its center; the Washington Monument in D.C.; Cleopatra’s Needle in London; and the Vatican Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square.  Each of the “Empire of Cities” represents a specific purpose; Washington D.C. (military); London (finances) and Vatican City (religion).  This triumvirate is responsible for everything that takes place around the world and controls our lives; pay attention to the news as one or all are frequently featured and discussed.  This is only the beginning as to what’s to come from this series of writings and we unveil truth.  It is my hope that you find them informative and it awakens your curiosity as to what’s happening on the globe.  This is but the appetizer; the meal is forthcoming. “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Amongst The Crowd

Look! Yeah, look over there! You see them trying to be different?  Who do they think they are? The nerve!!! They have the audacity to go against conventional wisdom, challenge authority and think outside the box. All of our lives we’ve been taught what to do, think, eat, watch, read and listen to. Now here they come with their blogs, posts, uplifting photos; talks of abandoning religion, critical thinking, sacred geometry, life in other galaxies and the “powers that be” trying to rule the world.  Yeah right! Ain’t nobody got time for that sh*t! Besides, I have bills to pay, parties to attend and the season finale of “Power” came on last night and it left me in suspense. What’s so special about being different?  If I sit right here, go with the flow, everything will be fine.  I have a job where my superiors applaud my work ethic.  (Oh, that’s right! Haven’t gotten a raise in a minute)   Well, at least when I go out I wear the latest trends; I be killin’ ‘em! (Whoa! That person’s wearing the same outfit as me). I’mma go home and watch this ol’ television and catch up on these reality shows. Did I hear about what? They passed what law? There’s a reduction in our pension fund? The government did what? How can that be? Wow…. I just didn’t know.




For most of the general public, that first paragraph explains their way of life; a never ending cycle of complacency; sometimes spanning generations. People figuring they can get by remaining status quo.  When you hear someone labeled as a “black sheep”, it automatically gives off a negative connotation.  That person’s rebellious; they’re an outcast amongst their family and friends; a loner.  Why can’t that person just be different and unwilling to follow the proverbial crowd?   If the quote, “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?” is true, then why when a person ventures to do so they’re mocked and ridiculed?  Isn’t that hypocritical? Dare I say, when a person follows their own path, it appears to be the one of MOST resistance.  Most people are fearful of change; therefore they feel uncomfortable when you do.  Life is ever changing, ever evolving.  So when you show signs of physical, emotional and spiritual growth, it appears as though the people involved in your life are reluctant to allow you to reach new heights and plateaus.  They’re so terrified that you’ll leave them behind, that they’ll do everything in their power to hold on; even sabotaging your efforts to continue your journey.  You can’t allow that to hinder your progress; as we’re all here for a primary purpose.  Some people are willing to seize the day; discover and walk in their “divine purpose.”  While others play the role of sidekick; following whomever has the “juice” for the moment, living of their achievements.  There’s no risk involved, yet they lie awake well into the early morning hours wondering why their lives seem empty, unfulfilled and their souls yearn for more.  It’s frivolous for me to belabor the point as to why you should go your way and follow your own destiny.  It’s cliché ish.  However, from the time you reach an age to apply rational thought and distinguish what role (leader or follower) you want to play in this thing called life, you’ve had the power to control all things.  You don’t need books like “The Secret”, or watch videos imploring “Positive Affirmations” to encourage and prod you to take the necessary steps to change your life.  It’s merely a matter of being courageous enough to take the risk, brave enough to break the constraints of being a part of the crowd and being willing at times to go it alone. And I do mean alone in every sense of the word. Everyone won’t share your drive and passion; your mind sometimes will be riddled with doubt; there will be days in which you feel unwilling to persevere; where it appears the whole world’s against you, what you stand for and what you’re trying to accomplish.  But this I assure you; if you’re willing to endure the challenges and hurdle every obstacle, the rewards are enormous.  “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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The Whole Truth; So Help Me God II – The Emancipation of Free Speech

I guess at some point I’ll write the blog called “Riddle Me This!”  Until then, there are more “pressing” matters that need to be addressed.  The look you see as the thumbnail photo is usually reserved for Stephen A Smith’s cohost Skip Bayless.  The expression appears when Bayless mentions that LeBron James doesn’t possess the “clutch gene”, Tim Tebow deserves another shot in the NFL or that “Tiago Splitter” is the glue that holds the NBA Champion San Antonio Spurs together.  Now the picture is the appearance of a man who is defeated.  A once mighty warrior in the realm of sports media, forced to bow before something much greater than him. The court of public opinion strikes again.  At the desk of one of ESPN’s signature shows, First Take, he’s confrontational, unapologetic, boisterous and forthcoming.  Before lambasting a guest on the set, ridiculing a player for their performance or speaking as an analyst at the location of a big event, his words are often times measured and calculated.  But then the Ray Rice domestic violence incident transpired; and subsequently a suspension was administered.  And being paid to opine on such issues, he was asked to discuss his thoughts concerning this topic.  And though he had expressed similar feelings in the past, this time the backlash was too severe to avoid the blisters associated with the inferno his statements caused. Smith committed the ultimate of sins; the statement trifecta: domestic violence; gender; race.  Why race?  That’ll be explained throughout the proceedings.  If you’re unfamiliar with the Ray Rice story click this link:

Exhibit A:

Now this post isn’t to play the role of role Stephen A’s public defender, because he isn’t entirely on trial. His statements and the rights to free speech are.  So before we get started, let’s define some of the language and evidence that will be brought to the court’s attention. 1) The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights; 2) provocation – defined as the action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately; 3) we can all the agree that a large populous of society, and at times our own culture dislikes people of color, 4) “The Black woman is the most unprotected, unloved woman on earth… She is the only flower on earth that grows unattended and not watered.”  Before we begin, let’s give some background about the physical defendant. He was hired by ESPN as a NBA analyst to replace David Aldridge in 2004.  (I like David Aldridge; does a great job on TNT/NBA TV) In August 2005, he started hosting a daily hour-long show on ESPN called “Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith.” After the show was cancelled due to comments Smith made about the MVP voting that were deemed racist in January 2007, he primarily concentrated on basketball, serving again as an analyst. So it was well known that the defendant was a controversial figure, willing to provide his outlook on any discussion. With that being established and understood, let’s proceed.  Below you will find Mr. Smith’s comments in response to the NFL announcing the suspension of Rice for a period of two (2) games.

Exhibit B:

As you can see in Exhibit B, his sentiments were similar to those pertaining to the issue involving former NFL player Chad Johnson and his then wife Evelyn Lozada (Exhibit A). Throughout, the defendant voiced his disdain for men who assault women; even coming to the conclusion that if any of his family members were involved, he would have to practice restraint to avoid being disciplined by his employer.  (Ironic) However, when it came to his statements about provocation by a woman, and methods to prevent such incidents from occurring, the slope became icy and slippery.  That’s when the mob formed armed with pitch forks and torches began surrounding the headquarters’ of ESPN in Bristol, Connecticut, and the cyber sphere became ablaze.

Exhibit C:

These comments essentially started the ball rolling and lead to Smith issuing an apology the following day via Twitter.  As the hours passed from the time of the incident to his next appearance on the show, people had time to settle in, let the comments linger and marinate, and what was once an afterthought; perhaps a perceived slip of the tongue, a misunderstood series of statements, had now grown legs and overshadowed the Rice story.  His proclamation drew the ire of women all over including this Facebook poster that stated the following, “To All of these people (primarily men) who are coming to the defense of Stephen A, ask yourself this question: ‘if it were your daughter being dragged out of an elevator by a man (a football player, no less), would you still be so inclined to play Captain Save an Idiot???’” It also led to an outcry of pro-Black advocates and radical empowerment groups coming out in support of Black women.  “Stephen A. Smith when being told that he offended Black people (examples – appearance; character; involvement in offenses that result in jail time): ‘I don’t give a damn what anybody thinks!’  Stephen, when being told that he offended White people: ‘I am truly, truly sorry.’  That’s the difference between being your own boss and being a corporate puppet.  Others are always telling you what you can and cannot say.” – Dr. Boyce Watkins

Exhibit D:


As you can see, Smith was getting it on all fronts.  Thus, far the only people “I’ve” seen come to his defense are Whoopi Goldberg, with her statements as a host on the daily talk show, The View, and the average Black male. All of which have drawn the same conclusion; the violence isn’t being condoned, however please acknowledge that the female plays a role in determining if the situation escalates further.

Exhibit E:

Exhibit F:

As you can see by the example in Exhibit E, as defined, provocation was illustrated by the character Juanita in the movie Dead Presidents.  This led to a reaction from Anthony which “may” have been prevented if she had told him the truth upon his return from Vietnam.  This is but an example; an isolated incident.  No two (2) situations are the same.  Without wasting the court’s time, can it be agreed upon that violence is an unnecessary chain of events that occur as a result of one or both individuals being unable to control their emotions. No one is deserving of abuse; especially a women, who society places on a pedestal as fragile as the most elegant china.  These are the questions being asked by men since this “news” of Smith’s one week suspension from the network began garnering attention: Are there no situations that can be considered inappropriate provocation (that is more than just words) in which a man would be justified in hitting a woman (without being excessive)?  Does size, strength or aggressiveness matter? How many blows should he take before resulting to a physical defense?  Because even under all those circumstances, a man is not justified in retaliating for his own safety. Other comments include (paraphrasing): “Now I know just like each of you know, whether through an experience of your own or someone you know, that sometimes in the heat of the moment and during heated exchanges, there are women who continue to exasperate the situation by getting in his face, pushing him, slapping him, spitting in his face, blocking and preventing him from walking away, and even punching him sometimes; whether it’s in the face, chest, arm, back, etc. Sometimes even charging extreme rants like insinuating that that man’s kid is not his. That’s provoking.” The poster continued, “TV lets y’all think it’s ok to slap him if he hurts you (emotionally and mentally). And for those that don’t agree with that I implore you to explain how you expect someone to maintain their cool in those situations….when you didn’t? I think it’s ridiculous that he had to apologize AND was suspended, because he simply utilized his so called ‘1st Amendment right’, and stated something that’s factual and can actually be taken as advice to possibly prevent any heated disagreement or verbal argument, from turning into that physical and harsh reaction known as domestic violence.” And still one more male poster states, “C’mon we all know that woman who does this. That woman who jumps in her man’s face, cusses him, taps him on the chin, calls him a ‘fuck nigga’ and when he tries to leave the situation actually blocks the door to prevent him from leaving the volatile situation possibly slapping him or checking that chin while advising that “he ain’t gone do shit”. Now dare I ask is he too being provoked? Does that brother have grounds to restrain her? Does he have the right to defend himself? I have always been taught to keep your hands to yourself. It’s ok to have a heated discussion but you take it to a different level when step in a person’s personal space and when you do that you have to take responsibility for the part you play in whatever happens next. Earlier I stated that it is two sides to every story but honestly is actually three… y’all know the rest.”  We live in a different time.  This isn’t the 1800s when chivalry was appreciated by women and men “supposedly” restrained themselves from striking them.  I guess that’s why there are movies like “Think Like A Man” where one can escape from the real world, and fantasies can be played out over the course of 120 minutes.

The issue to me concerning this case has always been the ability for Smith to voice his opinion.  He’s paid a high salary to not only provide analysis, but to be controversial as well.  Former ESPN First Take contributor Rob Parker was fired by his then employer for making contentious comments about Washington Redskins’ quarterback Robert Griffin III.  Parker’s comments were no different than those being held in barbershops, at barbeques, on porches and at water coolers everywhere amongst people of color upon finding out about RG3’s lifestyle.  For that, Parker was dismissed.  See Exhibit G.

Exhibit G:

I ask that my client (the First Amendment) be released on the grounds that world has been turned upside down by political correctness.  Tony Dungy, (former Super Bowl winning head coach) who is well-known for being a highly religious man and is against gay marriage based on those beliefs, was forced to issue an apology for speaking candidly about being unwilling to draft Michael Sam (the first openly gay player in the NFL – drafted by the St. Louis Rams) due to the attention and possible disturbance it would bring to the ball club.  What did they expect him to say? If you were familiar with his stance on issues such as those, then his response shouldn’t have been surprising.  Listen to Kanye West’s statement (Exhibit H). Many people would be offended by his words and feel he doesn’t have the right to make that declaration; “I’m a GOD.”  And as he eloquently articulated, would you rather that he calls himself a “Nigga or Gangsta, as a opposed to a God?” As in some instances, even amongst ourselves, we don’t view ourselves any higher than those negative connotations.  What about my photo depicting Jesus Christ being drunk and placed on the cross (Exhibit I). To me it’s humorous/I’m talking laugh out loud funny; reflecting a lighter side of life and taking a poke at religion as a whole.  However, practicing Christians may find the photo offensive and ask that it be removed.  But under the First Amendment I have a right to freedom of expression. And because you find something distasteful doesn’t mean I have to placate to your wishes.  I have a right to my opinion; as do you.  And in the end, we can agree to disagree.  But I have a voice.  I’m disappointed in Stephen A. for one reason.  He champions himself as a man of principle.  Willing to press the issue when necessary and challenge the establishment when need be.  I’m unaware of his financial situation, and of course it’s easy for me to say sitting on the comforts of my couch (see free speech again) but if I were him, I would quit.  He’s talented enough to find another job as he has worked for Fox Sports in the past.  But if you’re gonna pay me to provide an honest assessment of any situation and would like me cater to specific demographic (let’s be real here), then you can’t cut my legs from up under me for voicing what’s “real” to me.  That humble pie is difficult to swallow, especially when you’re forced to do so and go against everything you stand for.  So as the crowd gathers in the arena against both free speech and Stephen A, the prosecution is like a wrestler bouncing from ring rope to ring rope, cupping their ear trying to get the crowd hyped before a startling comeback from defeat, You Honor, I present to you Exhibit J, Charles Barkley; who refused to apologize to the fans of the San Antonio Spurs, specifically the women, for calling them fat.

Exhibit H:

Exhibit I:


Exhibit J:

If you strip a person of their ability to express their feelings, then why are we having this or any other conversation? What’s the purpose of social media? We can agree to disagree on the violence aspects or any other problems up for debate, but when you can no longer have dialogue about an issue without someone being offended, that’s crazy!!! The day you can’t arm yourself with what you believe is the truth and you’re condemned to purgatory for voicing your opinion is the day you’ll understand where people like me and others are coming from.  Free the First Amendment!!!!! Stephen A. Smith, he’s alright!  BOL! “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Ah… Let’s Save The World Tomorrow

Tomorrow – a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.  As many of you may know, or for those that listen to the show on a regular basis, my primary job is that of a law enforcement official.  And for those that are employed in any type of public service position that requires interaction with the citizens at large (police officer, fire fighter, etc.), though you may have a set hourly schedule, you’re on the clock twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a week.  So our deeds off the clock are equally as important as our performance on it.  So public intoxication, disorderly conduct, being arrested no matter the offense or anything done at a magnitude to blacken the eye of the agency of our employ is strictly prohibited.  Therefore, in trying to lead normal lives that include all of these pitfalls and possibilities, we must remain responsible to the companies we serve.  We often times forget the minor details as we go about our daily routine, and when duty calls during our personal time, we disregard it, laying the task at the feet of someone else saying, “I’m off! Somebody else will take care of it.”  Police officers don’t have that luxury; a law enforcement officer, including a police officer, has a legal duty to provide aid to ill, injured, and distressed persons who are not in police custody during an emergency whether the law enforcement officer is on-duty or acting in a law enforcement capacity off-duty.  (FYI – A correctional officer is not a peace officer and, therefore, does not have a legal duty to provide aid to ill, injured, and distressed persons. As a volunteer, a correctional officer would be covered under the Good Samaritan Act to the extent provided therein from liability for civil damages as a result of such care or treatment.)   I give you all that to say this, when one is attempting to change the world and start a crusade to enlighten people with information, there are no days off.

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See yesterday on my personal Facebook page I posted, “…. So… I’m gonna turn in my timesheet, punch out and get back to saving the world tomorrow.”  Though the comment was meant in jest, I regret it in a sense that when you’re trying to make difference or attempting to achieve a goal, you can’t take any days off.  Perhaps no one cares, but it bothered me.  The entrepreneur doesn’t take a day off to stop from getting their business up, running and being successful; the promoter doesn’t stop advertising until the venue is filled to capacity; the student doesn’t stop attempting to attain academic achievement and earn their diploma to rest on their laurels; the athlete doesn’t take a day off from training when attempting to make the roster of a team; the dedicated pastor doesn’t take time away from being proficient in scripture and leading his flock to take a vacation.  You understand where I coming from.  Though we’re currently on a smaller scale, the mission of becoming recognized and establishing a brand shouldn’t be allowed to take a day off either. When the abolitionists were petitioning the government to stop slavery, there were no sabbaticals; there were no stoppages during the Women’s Rights Movement; or when mass amounts of people turned out to march during the Civil Rights Movement.  So far be it for me to be any different than any of my predecessors.

Let’s be honest, most people don’t care about world events, saving the planet or pertinent issues that have a far reaching effect on our lives on a broader scale.  If it doesn’t affect the bottom line, decrease our paychecks or hurt our families, then our involvement is minimum at best.  What does recycling really do?  Global warming isn’t real; the polar ice caps aren’t melting. Police brutality and harassment… It isn’t a problem in my community. Really… having knowledge of self?  Everything I need to know about me was taught in school or I can watch it on the History Channel.  (Sigh) The site (Fan & blog pages) is run by a person or individuals who don’t “know it all”; just those that wish to “know it all” and share that information with the masses to increase their knowledge.  Knowledge and information are free, and should be shared with those that aspire to do more.  Any delay in disseminating that information is called procrastination.  Tomorrow isn’t promised; so during every waking moment, your actions should be impactful and far reaching.  Does the congregation question the minister’s ability when he/she is speaking before them from the pulpit?  No! He’s deemed a leader and his teachings are perceived to be the gospel.  People watch and listen to Suze Orman to attain information to achieve financial freedom.  They in turn use that knowledge and implement those principles in their lives to amass wealth.  The same holds true for any leader who is attempting to start a movement and create change; Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Stanley “Tookie” Williams (Crips) or Larry Hoover (Gangster Disciples).  Whether for good or evil; righteousness or injustice, these individuals worked tirelessly to press their agenda. And so too will I.  There can’t be any days off when you want something so badly and you’re attempting to make a difference.  So with that, I’ve done a disservice to you all.  There will be no more days off.  Because as badly as I want to succeed, I equally want to show how dedicated I am to what we’re trying to accomplish.  It may not always be information; there may be passages to uplift the spirit; or captions that express a lighter side of life.  Regardless, we’re obligated to you and need to stamp our imprint as a serious contender for your intellectual pleasure.  That’s all social media, television, radio and other means of communication are; an attempt to gain your attention, solicit their product and capture your imagination.  Our job is to perform that task better than anyone else by remaining diligent and believing in our product.  How bad do we want it; enough to sacrifice it all!  #Nodaysoff “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Live, Love, Laugh

So originally slated for today, I had planned on posting a blog called “Riddle Me This!”  I’m talking about that sh*t was gonna be deep discussing conspiracy theories and propaganda.  I had done my research; notes were spread out across my desk; and water was on deck to ensure I was properly hydrated and my brain was functioning at maximum capacity.  But as I began formulating the blog, I became engaged in a conversation with a friend concerning their goals and aspirations.  Now because I’m passionate about such things, the words began flowing; my fingers began hitting the keyboard of my iPhone at break neck speed.  By the time I finished, I had sent out about six (6) paragraphs; all lengthy in content and detailed with the precision of a craftsman.  I’ll keep this one short (I’ll try), but it’s gonna be an honest assessment of what “I” perceive life to be.


From time to time, be on social media, etched in ink on someone’s skin or an individual wearing the moniker on a t-shirt, you will see the axiom, “Live, Love Laugh.”  The phrase is powerful in its content because if you simply live by those three (3) words, you should have no worries in the world.  Unfortunately, life isn’t always as simple as following a slogan.  As human beings we’re often times overcome with emotion; we experience elation, happiness, grief and disappointment.  With each life changing event our emotions ebb and flow like the rising and falling tide on the banks of the coastline.  It appears that most of us only experience the later of the three (3) words in that statement; not enjoying the pleasures of the first two (2).  The question must be asked, are you truly living or merely surviving.  The caged hamster is aware of its existence when it’s a captive as a pet.  There are only a few options: sleep, eat/drink and run on the wheel.  It’s as simple as that; nothing more.  Many of us are merely existing; unhappy with our current situations but too defeated to offer to make a change.  All the childhood dreams appear shattered like glass because of a wrong decision or life choice.  So to that end we settle; become content and complaisant; unwilling to pursue our life’s passions for fear of what people may think or the association of being deemed a failure.  So worried about being judged in the court of public opinion; so enamored with our “haters” that we spend beyond our means to satisfy those that can careless; lying awake well into the early morning hours contemplating our current situations and looking for a means of escape. So on bended knee we pray for salvation with the hopes of being granted favor.  And once given a sliver of hope, we broadcast for the entire world to see and hear how we’re so blessed; like a gambler; always highlighting the wins but never elaborating about the losses.  That’s not living, that existing.  In the phantom Bible verse, Hezekiah 6:1, “God helps those who help themselves!”  You can’t expect others to help you or relieve your burden without first trying to do so yourself.  So live!!!!! Drop that baggage and go…

They say time heals all wounds, broken hearts mend.  For many of us, the pain and anguish of love loss never subsides.  So we become scared to love again for fear of repeating the cycle.  Missing out on opportunities, because dipping a toe into the shallow end of the pool equates in the heart to being fed to a pool of sharks.  We want love to be unconditional only when it pertains to us receiving it.  Yet we remain reluctant to share those feelings on a consistent basis.  Here’s an example of what love is, and it’s not like Romeo and Juliet, as the lyrics of the old song will belt when heard.  Imagine giving someone money; any denomination.  If you’re looking to be repaid, it causes you some type of hardship by not having it or you’re constantly hounding someone to have it back, then you shouldn’t have given it.  Anything you give, whether money, love or time, you should do so freely and willingly without any strings attached.  Don’t get me wrong, everyone wants their feelings reciprocated, however there’s never a guarantee that the feelings will mutual; reaching the same level.  Love is never the same; it’s either ascending or descending.  But you can’t be afraid to give of yourself.  Essentially, that’s what every religion teaches in a roundabout fashion.  Love is the key.

But one thing as a society we do very well is laugh.  We laugh at the plight of others; we laugh when people are exploited and used.  But boyee…..  let that pistol get put on us, exposing our faults and weaknesses and we’re ready to fight something.  Laughter is good for the soul and a smile radiates a room when it’s genuine.  It’s ok to laugh at ourselves; it places life in perspective and means we don’t take everything so seriously.  So there it is! “Live, Love, Laugh.”  When properly understood, they’re the gateway to a happier existence.  Believe me, I’m not sitting here ideally giving advice; I too have experienced those same pitfalls, so it’s spoken from experience.  And when your Saturday approaches, and you’re lying on your death bed as the Grim Reaper begins to rap on your door, you don’t want to look back on your life saying, “What if” or “I wish I would’ve said or done…”  “Live, Love, Laugh.”  “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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