Category Archives: education

Doubting Thomas

The echo of footsteps leading to his destination fills the breezeway. The opening of the automatic doors quickly removes the moisture that was accumulating on his shaven head. As he enters the venue, a quick scan of the setting is all too familiar; conference room tables lined in three (3) rows, two (2) tables each, with four (4) chairs, each table for occupancy.  He relishes in his ability to speak before a captive audience. During his adolescent years this would have been unforeseeable, as criminal activity and school truancy was the pillar of that period.  For the individual dubbed as “Brother Truth”, his propensity to enthrall onlookers is unlike a grandiose salesperson pitching their products to an unsuspecting homemaker. His introduction, comforting; his conversation; spellbinding. Before being able to finish his presentation, the customers are reaching for their pocket or purse, producing cash, a debit or credit card to purchase what is being sold. When an individual is passionate about what they believe in, the speaker is only lending voice to the capacity of what is being presented. In their eyes, the truth needs no convincing; it is only the listener’s willingness to accept that truth, which will then reward them of those efforts.  As the new millennia Don Quixote, “Brother Truth” toils to educate the masses in his quest to broach subjects that have become both popular and yet taboo in today’s society; the disenfranchisement of the Black male, and sexuality as it relates to spirituality. In both instances, standing seemingly alone, his messages are a labor of love and salvation.

Thomas 2

Street Disciple

In preparation for the event, the controversial author and community activist places his manuscripts at the location for which he will be seated. A name plate placed before his chair will identify him before he is able to utter a word. He harkens back to his Miller Homes Housing Projects upbringing in Trenton, New Jersey to an era where conflictions were the norm. Being raised in a conservative evangelical household meant attending some semblance of church activities five (5) to six (6) days per week. His father being an Associate Pastor believed in discipline which led to a strict upbringing.  Attending school to receive a formal education proved challenging, as there was a level of disinterest from hearing lectures and participating in book assignments. He attributes his behavior then to that of many melanoid young men in the school system; he, and in his assessment like many Black males as a culture are kinesthetic learners. They desire hands on experience as opposed to watching demonstrations or reading books.  As a “doer”, the inability to actively participate in the educational process leads to disinterest, shorter attention spans and behavioral problems.  Compound that fact with witnessing discourse within his family unit; something which had been concealed from his vision throughout his childhood, he ultimately became a living statistic. As a result of his parents’ divorce, his suburban rearing had been reduced to a one-bedroom apartment to house himself, his mother and younger brother.  At age fifteen (15), he dropped out of school to pursue a life of street pharmaceutical sales and lusting the temples of females mind manipulation.  It was only at the behest of his crying mother did those activities cease. After receiving an ultimatum, the potential scholar attended an alternative educational program, New Jersey Youth Corps, to attain his GED (General Equivalency Diploma).  After which, he enlisted in the United States Army and was commissioned as a Medical Officer for which he served four (4) years in the armed forces earning an Honorable Discharge upon his departure.

A Call to Serve

The sands continue to seep sluggishly from the hourglass, as patrons slowly make their way into the dwelling to be seated.  As the attendees mingle amongst themselves, whispers between onlookers are reminiscent to the discrete hand to hand exchanges that were the standard during his days as a “boulevard broker and sexual intercourse negotiator”; in laymen’s terms, a drug dealer and pimp.  His call to ministry was far different than that of when he was requested to pick up fists full of U. S. currency or drop off packages of narcotics. It was a telepathic connection between he and “the source” which transpired at the age of twenty (20) during his time in the military. While stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Kaiserslautern, Germany, he began his journey as a spiritual teacher.  Upon returning state side, in the year 2000, he graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University, now known as Cairn University, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies and a Graduate’s Degree in Church Leadership.  He was a devout minister of the Pentecostal Apostolic Church and taught at the School of Theology in Plainfield, New Jersey.  As a juvenile, he recognized his felonious behaviors were a detriment to him and those he loved; though wrong, he fashioned it as a necessary evil. He knew he had to step away from that lifestyle or risk having his obituary printed in a newspaper or be incarcerated in a correctional facility. He was now experiencing a spiritual tug-of-war. At the apex of his ministerial career, he faced a number of unanswered questions which deviated from the teachings of the Pentecostal Church.  There were no overlapping police patrols, neighborhood watch programs or rival competitors to be fearful of on this occasion; it was resistance from local church leaders that led to his resignation and steered him to the founding of a house church ministry in Ewing, New Jersey.

Ministry in Manuscript

The seal tears from the opening of a bottle of water as his heart rate begins to elevate. Though calm yet slightly parched, a quick sip allows him to collect his thoughts. He takes his seat and recites his speech one last time within the silence of his consciousness; wanting to ensure that each sentence flows flawlessly when the words are spoken from his lips; that all the analysis and research that has brought him to this moment are concise and potent. The determination he used to hustle during his childhood, he now implores to distribute messages of unconditional love, universal salvation and warnings about the plight that African-American boys face on a daily basis. Challenging conventional thinking and the need to discuss sexuality from a spiritual perspective led to the writing of The Naked Truth: Understanding the Spiritual Origins of Sex, Marriage, and Intimate Relationships. It dares the reader to strip themselves of their societal binds, such as religion, gender specific roles, cultural assumptions, and provides an in depth look into why women are more promiscuous by nature, why males and females were cursed by God with circumcision and menstrual cycles, and why oral sex is the most sacred act of scripture.  From the Books of Genesis to Revelations, he provides a thorough synopsis as to why the Bible is the most sexually provocative book on the planet and how civilization arrived at an inequality of genders.  And like any good entrepreneur, the momentum he garnered from his first offering led to the writing of his second book, The Streets Can’t Have My Son.  Using his experiences as a barometer, the book was written to equip parents, educators, and church members with the skills required to assist African-American boys in succeeding and graduating from public schools, escaping the trappings of the juvenile justice system and going on to enjoy lives as productive members of society. With each page turn, the typeface font sentences release a passion and reveal a reality unto familiar with those who have either dealt with or experienced those ordeals. The book divulges tools which are paramount in the educational training of their sons and provides the attitudes, principles and skills that must be acquired to be prosperous for a lifetime.  Foreworded by Dr. Chance W. Lewis, Ph. D., professor of Urban Education in the College of Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the book has been touted as, “A must read for anyone raising an African-American son.”

Reasonable Suspicion

When attending presentations, the listener eagerly anticipates hearing words and seeing images that relate to their struggle.  They want those phrases to resonate in such fashion that it conjures memories from past experiences with the hopes of a better tomorrow.  The believability of the utterer is paramount in retaining the addressees’ attention throughout the course of the proceedings and any deviation from their beliefs will leave them disinterested.  The foundation is laid by revealing his background in a media scripted biography, but how involved in the underworld was he truly? Did he sell small quantities of narcotics or was he involved in huge shipments from state border to border? Were there periods of incarceration or misdemeanor citations given for court appearances? Did the aroma of late night transactions and criminal exploits linger in his clothing? How many times did he have sex with his “employees”, what went into the manipulation of their hearts and minds; what was said or done that was so controversial at his previous church home(s) that led to division and prompted him to amass his own congregation?  Will the “conscious community” be offended by the failure in The Naked Truth to mention the Egyptian Goddess Seshat (AKA Ashat), who before the account of Adam and Eve in scripture is storied to be the giver of the “Fruit of Divine Light and Wisdom” in order for the king to rule the throne as explained by Dr. Ashra Kwesi? Or that in metaphysical doctrine and varying forms of spirituality that the serpent is a representation of kundalini energy, the divine feminine creative power sleeping at the base of the spine awaiting the call for the joining with the masculine energy through the heart, conflicting with the perceptions indicated in the book? Does he question issues raised from Norman Stamper’s Breaking Rank: A Top Cop’s Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing, where the former Seattle Police Department Chief discusses why White cops kill Black men and racism in the ranks? These are some of the questions readers are likely to ponder during their appraisal of the book(s) or sitting uncomfortably in metal chairs listening to dialogue pertaining to his works.  Some critics will dissect each page and scrutinize the validity of what is written.  They will question his level of expertise in the realms of child psychology, understanding of the criminal justice system and interpretations of the Bible as an individual who is formulating an opinion to turn a profit and not provide substance.

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The Time Has Come

The microphone becomes live; and with each movement on or about the transducer, the motion causes the instrument to reverberate creating uneasiness amidst the attendees. The glare of the fluorescent lights causes perspiration about the bridge of his nose and forehead. A swift wipe of the brow alleviates any discomfort that may have been felt. In scripture, John 20:24-29, one of the Twelve (12) Disciples refused to believe that the resurrected Jesus had appeared to the other ten (10) apostles until he could see and feel the wounds received by Jesus on the cross.  After meeting with Jesus, the savior spoke with the individual stating, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Upon confirming the individual appearing before him was indeed the revived Son of God, Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”  In accepting the task of being a public figure, he fully understands that he is undertaking a thankless endeavor.  Armed with his belief in himself and the information he yields; he looks to provide young men with the weapons to defend themselves from the cruelties of this reality. He alerts spectators to three (3) objectives intent on the continued disenfranchisement of African-American males; miseducation, incarceration and annihilation. That the awareness and avoidance of subliminal imagery is key in keeping the heart and mind free from corruption; having “knowledge of self” is vital to removing the shackles that thwarts evolution and impedes progress; being sexually uninhibited is not a “Scarlet Letter”, and that confronting each of these issues aids in shifting the paradigm and brings awareness to situations that plague our existence. The reservations had by that disciple prior to seeing Jesus is the same had by each member of the audience until the information is disseminated and the words resound in such a way that captures their hearts.  The truth is uncomfortable, unsettling; but when delivered in such a way, the messenger can remove all uncertainties. “And without further ado…”, the Master of Ceremonies states. “Presenting Osceola Thomas!”  He approaches the podium to a round of applause; confident in knowing that unlike the apostle bearing his namesake, he efforts to bear his soul and leave no doubts.  “We Are the Change!” I’m gone! (b)

To purchase your copy of The Naked Truth: Understanding the Spiritual Origins of Sex, Marriage, and Intimate Relationship, The Streets Can’t Have My Son or his forthcoming book The 11th Commandment – My Saints Better Have My Money, scheduled for release later this year, please visit The books are also available for purchase on, amazonkindle, at Barnes & Noble and BAM! (Books-A-Million). Follow Osceola Thomas’ social media outlets: Facebook: Osceola Thomas; Twitter: @ImThatBrother; Instagram: OsceolaThomas.

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A Picture’s Worth

Look at the featured photograph of this piece. Now dependent upon your state of being, the image can be considered uplifting or demeaning. Case in point… Many people of color (POC) will consider the image deplorable, and without context issue comments such as, “ignorant or despicable”. In fact, I’ll venture to guess that they’ll state that the adult figure is a poor example of a man and does not exemplify fatherhood.  Edward L. Bernays, the father of modern advertising, stated in his book “Propaganda” written in 1928, “In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” You have to understand that manipulating the masses is reality, not a conspiracy.  Thus, in a snapshot, I may have taken a photo of a father and son returning home from the gun range; the elder celebrating the fact that his seed is increasingly mastering weaponry to use for his personal defense, to an alleged “gang-banger” or “thug” administering poor ethical characteristics because of the discernment of Black men in society; though the image does make it hard to dispute.  Conversely, the image of three young ladies welding firearms is thought of as being a “family rites of passage”; a family teaching their daughters the art of protecting themselves from the cruelties of this world. The funny thing is that in either scenario, based on their perception, the viewer will ultimately utter the phrase, “That’s what THEY do!”  Who shapes public opinion? Who’s to blame for the distortion of perspective? Is it the media, the government; perhaps an unseen hand? Though all are integral to the mechanisms that barrage our psyche, we’re in fact to blame for all these transgressions.

3 Girls

The thought is we’re all human beings. So ideally, we should have an ability to coexist without race, creed or gender being an issue. During sporting events, we all root for the same teams; our camaraderie shaped by the colors and names shared on both the front and back of the uniform. During the Olympic Games, we cheer our fellow countrymen to victory in their designated sports as they begin their pursuit of metals ranging from bronze to gold; with pride reflective of the winning athlete’s determination to reach the pinnacle of their chosen activity; tears streaming as their country’s National Anthem blares from the speakers of our television sets. Yet those instances are mere microcosms as to what occurs on broader scale.  Malcolm X explained it perfectly when he stated, “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power; because they control the minds of the masses.” Additionally, he stated, “If you’re not careful, the newspaper will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”  The media controls the rhetoric; the government has been found to have implemented strategies to sway and frighten the population with specific stories to curb public opinion.  In 1975, Operation Mockingbird, was uncovered by a committee called, “The United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities” (the Church Committee), which was chaired by Senator Frank Church (Democrat – Idaho). Through their investigation, it was discovered that a program was developed in the 1950s for the purpose of “persuading American and foreign media, as well as to use the media as gatekeepers to prevent certain information from being published and reaching the masses.” In addition, there are entities that attempt to control the power of our thoughts; one of which is the Council on Foreign Relations. Though it fancies itself as an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher; there is evidence to the contrary that shows that the CFR is a more sinister association that organizes media manipulation. You must understand that the media in the United States is controlled by six (6) corporations (General Electric, News Corp., Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS) which include 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 television stations and 2,400 publishers.  This means most of the news and entertainment content shown on both the small and large screens are intendant on having an underlying agenda; one which alters the subconscious and manifests in our ideals. “The promotion of shallow, materialistic, ego-centric values and the obvious dumbing down of the American population is coming from these six (6) corporations. Think about that. These are the companies that glorify consumption, obedience, ignorance, the hyper-sexualization of youth, the glorification of war and government surveillance, and so on. The advertisers that support these media companies have tremendous sway over what makes it on the airwaves. They help to control public perception.” We fail to notice because who wants to work hard in deciphering what content is being fed to them each time they engage in relaxing activities.  The adage is “you are what you eat”, so why wouldn’t those same principles apply to what you observe? Isn’t your brain consuming information and processing that data based on what’s being seen or heard?  “When you’re watching television, you’re watching the news, and you’re being pumped full of fear. There’s floods; there’s AIDS; there’s murder. Cut to commercial. Buy the Acura. Buy Colgate. If you have bad breath, they’re not going to talk to you. If you have pimples that girl isn’t going to fuck you. It’s just a campaign of fear and consumption. That’s what I think it’s based on. This wild idea of ‘keep everyone afraid and they’ll consume.’”  (Marilyn Manson) So help me understand the logic of this, watching two (2) hours of violence in a movie has no influence on the public’s behavior, but a thirty (30) second Super Bowl ad worth$2-4 million dollars will make the customer run out and buy a product?

So now, let’s discuss the elephant in the room. What is the relation between imagery and POC?  Understand that our first interactions are made through visualization.  The hieroglyphs of ancient civilizations and cave carvings indented on mountain walls tell stories in intricate detail which provide a connection to the past.  We are naturally attracted by what we see and visual interpretations help formulate opinions and prove to shape our lives.  Entertainment as we know it was created as a means of propaganda, with the intent to marginalize and demean. There’s a reason why there’s always been a negative, distorted perception of Blacks. From its advent, individuals such as T. D. Rice (back in the 1820’s) and others prior to the Civil War performed in blackface creating the image of the “Sambo” and “Zip Coon”. The movie “Birth of a Nation” directed by D. W. Griffith in 1915 lead to the rebirth and enormous rise in ranks of the Ku Klux Klan based on the subliminal messages relayed in the film. The screenplay was adapted from the novel and play The Clansman. It was released on February 8, 1915. The NAACP (founded in 1909) spearheaded an unsuccessful campaign to ban the film. The film suggested that the Ku Klux Klan restored order to the postwar South (Reconstruction). For decades after its release, the Klan used the movie as a recruitment tool.   Let’s bounce from entertainment to the realm of sports. During October 2005, the NBA implemented a dress code policy which was instituted by former commissioner David Stern to distance the league from its then “thuggish” image in the mainstream.  The rule was made mandatory for players to wear a jacket and tie before games, after games, during interviews, on the bench while injured, and in attendance at league charity events.  The policy drew criticism with Allen Iverson stating the following, “I feel like they want us to dress a certain way. They’re targeting guys who dress like me; guys who dress hip-hop.  Just because you put a guy in a tuxedo doesn’t mean he’s a good guy.  You can put a murderer in a suit, but he’s still a murderer. It sends a bad message to kids.” Ten (10) years later, the NBA’s sense of style has evolved to the point where several stars routinely make their own unique fashion statements such as Russell Westbrook, Dwyane Wade, and many others.

Iverson - Westbrook

Perhaps you wish to continue deny the evidence presented before you in this piece. Yet, if I were to ask you to close your eyes and imagine the likeness of the deity you worship, many of you (admittedly or reluctantly) would see an image of the individual that Leonardo da Vinci was commissioned to paint by Rodrigo Borgia/Borja (Pope Alexander VI), Cesare Borgia.  And since that time, his portrait has graced the covers of religious magazines; actors have portrayed his resemblance in television and cinema; and there are monuments crafted in his honor with the largest appearing in both Brazil and Nigeria.  Another glance behind those same eyelids will have you believe an entire continent is savage, primitive and desolate. A land ripe with riches and natural resources is thought to be ravaged with war and famine from ocean to ocean – boarder to boarder; infomercials urge viewers to run to their telephones, and in three (3) minute intervals, a 800/866 number flashes on the screen petitioning the onlooker that for a mere $.45 per day, your contribution “can” uplift those in a poverty stricken state, providing a semblance of normalcy, with the proceeds having the ability to feed an entire family.  And as you witness their frail, downtrodden frames illuminate the pixels of your small screen; stomachs seemingly touching their backs, you can’t run fast enough to retrieve your ATM card.  That of the fifty-four countries that occupy the landscape, your lasting image is that of barren huts, wild animals and sprawling deserts and fields, and not of cities, suburbs, shopping malls and highways?  GTFOH! The same entities that sought to colonized Africa prior to 1914, seek to exploit the land and viewing public for their hard earned dollars and wealth, with a large portion of the funds never utilized  by the people it was intended to assist.

Jaden Smith

Dr. Umar Johnson – Propaganda

So we condemn young boys and girls for being able to perform the latest dance craze and assume the participants do not have any intellectual capacity to recite the alphabet or solve simple math problems. That it’s threatening to see young Black men with their shirts off and pants hanging pass their buttock. The Rza, one of the founding members of the infamous Wu-Tang Clan, a rap group based out of Staten Island, New York, who helped usher in the widespread branding, marketing and collaborate sell of urban wear by wearing oversized clothing, Timberland boots, which later led to the creation of the profitable clothing company Wu-Wear stated the following, “If I’m a cop and every time I see a young black youth, whether I watch them on TV, movies, or just see them hanging out, and they’re not looking properly dressed, properly refined, you know, carrying himself, conducting himself proper hours of the day—things that a man does, you’re going to have a certain fear and stereotype of them.” We’re petitioned to believe that when WE were dressed dignified prior to and during the Civil Rights movement, we were somehow more respected and taken more seriously; not taking into account that leaders during that era, such as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Medgar Evers were murdered in the same clothing that was thought to be the salvation to being treated justly.  Look no further than the postcards and old photographs that grace the internet with individuals being lynched wearing white collared shirts/blouses, pleated dresses/skirts and tailored slacks; strange fruit dangling from tree branches or burned alive at make shift stakes for daring to fight or live for something that is a universal right of all people.  “Women grow up constantly bombarded with images of what society says is beautiful.  These unrealistic ideals feature models that have makeup to cover their blemishes and Photoshop to change their physical features.  The result is young girls that grow up obsessed with their outward appearance and feel pressure by society to achieve a look that is often impossible.  When the girls fall short they feel inadequate and a downward spiral ensues.  They purchase make-up full of toxic chemicals to cover up their skin and closets full of clothes to feel better about whom they are.” (Truth Society) Consequently we sit back and watch the emasculation of our brothers via song or cinema then question how these trends (skinny jeans, skorts) began.  “We’ve been robbed! We’ve been robbed!”,  as DeAndre Jordan scurries down the stairs clad in a black dress and blonde wig in the latest State Farm insurance commercial; or all of your favorite actors being requested to dawn a female hairpiece at some point during their careers or risk banishment the likes of Dave Chappelle if they dare speak out. Supporting a multibillion dollar industry with the Global Skin Lightening Market which was predicted to reach $10 billion dollars at the close of last year; that an individual has such disdain for their complexion that they’re willing to alter their appearance for acceptance.  This is all an end result of psychological conditioning.  A picture of a spouse having dinner with the opposite sex discussing a business venture is seen as adulterous behavior; a young man (Jaden Smith) advertising woman’s clothing is seen as eclectic and groundbreaking – “The image support the idea that a person can appear traditionally masculine and feminine at the same time”; an All Points Bulletin (APB) is issued over police airwaves for a suspected criminal act with persons of the same hue all “fitting the description”. Ask Lionel Tate, then twelve (12) years of age, if his infatuation with the World Wrestling Federation didn’t ultimately lead to his thirty (30) year imprisonment for imitating the moves of a famous wrestler which led to death of six-year old Tiffany Eunick. The thousand (1000) words that can be used to determine a photo’s worth can be manipulated to be both beneficial or a detriment to the individual captured in the frame. It is our responsibility to distinguish between the two (2) and not pass judgment based upon the caption read atop the image. “No society wants you to become wise, it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced in a mechanical life, to live like robots… They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them. In fact, a wise man is afire, alive, aflame. He would like rather to die than to be enslaved.”  (Osho)  “‪‎We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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Is It Really That Farfetched?

When preparing to address difficult, “touchy” topics such as race, politics and religion, one must always be cognizant of those who may become offended due to the nature of the conversation. This triumvirate of issues has caused devastation worldwide, ruined personal & business relationships and has sparked a myriad of wars throughout the course of recorded time. The truth becomes uncomfortable; and when dealing in that truth, one must understand that the facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. When analyzing the headline photo caption, imagine the mind shifts and wide range of emotions exhibited based on one’s race and cultural upbringing. For the African-American, the reaction is often swift and definitive. Typically they’re in immediate agreement with the statement. I mean, how could they not approve of the blunt honesty of that sentiment expressed by @Adonissound (via Twitter) with all the historical evidence at our disposal – chattel slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, sharecropping, the Black Codes, the formation of unions, the Prison Industrial Complex, etcetera and so on. To those of European decent, they may find absurdity in the assertion. Their replies may consist of the argument that the playing field is level for all Americans; that slavery was a mere moment in the United States’ dark yet illustrious past which has been rectified by the adoption of the Emancipation Proclamation, the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments and the passing of the Voters, Civil and Housing Rights Acts during the 1960s. To compare serious social issues to that of paranormal or supernatural activities is ridiculous and an insult to the public’s intelligence. That this opinion further drives the narrative of a racial divide which instigates disharmony amongst the races. But in a country where White Americans are the racial majority, with a 77.7% share of the U. S. population (which includes Hispanics who described themselves as White based on a 2013 Census Bureau report), is this a case of cognitive dissonance; that in which one race does not understand the magnitude of the chain events that has led to the disenfranchisement of another; or simply a case of the “majority” race being oblivious to, and in many cases having no disregard to the advantages they’ve secured by controlling all the industries, utilities, media and resources? How can one recognize a problem when they have no idea or understanding that one exists?

Race is a social construct that artificially divides people into distinct groups based on characteristics such as physical appearance (particularly color), ancestral heritage, cultural affiliation, cultural history, ethnic classification, which serve social, economic, and political needs of a society. We can all agree that no child is born understanding the concept of racism, discrimination or oppression. Racism is a learned behavior that is observed, implemented and experienced by the parties involved; no different than a child being taught the fundamentals of the world’s monetary system. At first, a child sees a dime, quarter or nickel as a shiny object; holding no particular value other than what is pleasing to the eye. Only after being taught its significance does paper currency become more appealing and desirable because of how it’s worshipped and the connotation that the more strips of legal tender one possess, the growth in one’s esteem; the more that can be purchased; the higher the adulation received by bearing large sums of it. The possession of coins is seen as insignificant; not understanding that with the accumulation of a large number of them over time, one’s wealth can be equivalent; the process is only slower. Race is regarded in the same fashion. If a family runs a corporation, and then allows an outsider to join their ranks as a consultant or employee, any complaints addressed with those with controlling interest would be seen as frivolous, because to them the company has always run in that fashion and any underlying issues were brought about by the disgruntled employee for not having an understanding of how things are. That’s why majority rules; and with race, as with big business, each rules on the concept of those in power establish the guidelines in which everyone should abide by.

Accepting those parameters, let’s discuss the phenomenon’s that makes the headline statement true. During the month of March 2015, according to NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), the ten (10) states with the highest number of UFO sightings since 1998 include the following – number of sightings to date in the state, last city reported, date and race ratio (White to Black) according to the latest U. S. Census from California – 11,202 (Ladera Ranch; March 22, 2015; 69% to 1%); Florida – 5,113 (Deltona; March 23, 2015; 54.5% to 9.7%); Washington – 5,004 (Everett; March 24, 2015; 81.05% to 3.35%); Texas – 4,359 (College Station; March 25, 2015; 77.2% to 6.8%); New York – 3,837 (Bronx; March 22, 2015; 45.8% to 43.3%); Arizona – 3,212 (Green Valley; March 23, 2015; 91.9% to 0.3%); Pennsylvania – 3,142 (Philadelphia; March 25, 2015; 45.5% to 44.2%); Ohio – 2,907 (North Ridgefield; March 22, 2015; 92.6% to 1.4%); Michigan – 2,451 (Vicksburg; March 24, 2015; 93.6% to 0.5%); and North Carolina – 2,273 (Pfafftown; March 18, 2015; 90% to 8%). In cities other than the Bronx, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the populations were diverse, everywhere else the ratios reflected a figure where White Americans were the distinct majority. Where grievances lodged by people of color could be easily overlooked as bellyaching and whining. The areas in which Sasquatch, or the creature commonly known as Big Foot, has been sighted also have eerie parallels to those of the UFO findings. Areas in which African-Americans would not normally frequent to encounter such a beast include Mt. Rainier in the State of Washington; the Muir Woods in the State of California; Ecola State Park in the State of Oregon; Drift Peak in the State of Colorado; and Shawnee National Park in the State of Illinois to name a few. And there shouldn’t be any argument about the Loch Ness, considering the monster is thought to lurk in the waters of Scotland where the ratio White to Black is 96% to 0.6%. Using these figures as a barometer, albeit a small sample, the caption defines that a demographic could more readily identify with the existence of mythical creatures, specters and celestial beings, than to the plight of those that weren’t considered their equal.

On July 22, 2015, MTV aired a documentary titled, “White People.” During its telecast, Jose Antonio Vargas (journalist and filmmaker) travels around the country and asks what’s fair when it comes to affirmative action, if colorblindness is a good thing, what privilege really means and a host of other questions. Unearned benefits not discussed in the film but appear to be a reality of life include examples such as being able to get into an expensive car without being suspected as a drug dealer; the ability to apply for a job and not being rejected because of a name; or while in an interracial relationship, being considered the breadwinner and/or the more educationally qualified of the two. Of course there are those with an opposing view who contend there are different types of privilege, not only related to skin color, that impact the way individuals are accepted in society or are discriminated against. That being born with certain attributes affords one opportunities that others may not have. In an article written by Gina Crosley-Corcoran titled, “Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person”, she lists citizenship (being born a U.S. citizen), class (financial stability), sexual orientation (being heterosexual), sex (being male), ability (being able bodied) and gender as being key components to determine one’s state of being, success and happiness. Regardless of your stance as it relates to this argument, while people scoff at the idea of #DrivingWhileBlack (John Felton, a Dayton, Ohio pulled over for making eye contact with a police officer), #CNNBeLike (the disparaging, uneven media coverage pertaining to crimes committed by both Black and White offenders) and now #LaughingWhileBlack (10 Black women kicked off the Napa Valley Wine Train after complaints for laughing too loud), we have failed humanity by continuing to allow this system to fester like an old wound without addressing the implications it has by allowing one group to have clear socio-economic advantages over others. It becomes more evident when the argument of reparations arises which has seen the Jews, Native Americans and Japanese awarded monetary compensation for the atrocities committed against them; while Blacks continue to seek the forty (40) acres and a mule “proposed” to them after the end of the Civil War. Were the “dreams” of equality King so eloquently expressed on this day on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 a desperate plea for America to change her tyrannical ways and usher in an age where “all men are created equal” merely quotes to be recited annually? Are the inroads made by revolutionaries of all races attempting to balance the scales of justice and equality footnotes in the annals of history? Until the Hubble Telescope identifies extra-terrestrial activity preparing to enter earth’s atmosphere for alien/human interaction, Big Foot isn’t imitated and belittled in Slim Jim commercials and ghosts aren’t figments of people’s imagination becoming tangible entities, those that debate the concept of white privilege will say there are “varying dimensions and degrees of discrimination” while following two (2) individuals in their store under the assumption that they may steal their merchandise, or dismissing a qualified applicant’s job application based on the name which appears on the document. “Sorry Levondia! You don’t fit the description we’re looking for.” Let’s change the paradigm. “‪‎We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Silence implies consent” is a concept of social interaction, which states roughly that people tend to assume lack of response to an action as tacit approval of that action.”

‘All too often we complain about injustice and prejudice; we watch as the rights, history, and culture of others are trampled on or erased (take a look around, it’s happening now). Yet we say nothing and we do nothing. Sometimes, we refrain from speaking out because we assume that “speaking out” means protesting with signs or acts of civil disobedience. Speaking out can manifest in this way, but it can also happen through writing, through the way you live your life (being consistent in your values and actions), and by pointing out injustice in everyday situations when you see it.

Writing about the civil-rights era, King said, “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” I can’t help but think that his words are applicable today in our current political climate—a climate in which civility has been replaced by anger, hate, and atrocious deeds. In order to change the tone of the rhetoric of hate, we must speak up. We must stand up against injustice and for those who are being treated unjustly.

King urged us to feel passionate about freedom and justice, even calling upon us to give our life for what we believe in—much like he did. He said, “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” Whether he met this in actuality does not matter to me. What he was saying is that when we feel strongly, we must act in the ways that we know how. We must use our strengths as individuals to make society better and we must act as the conscience of our nation.

Whenever I feel strongly about an issue but fear the idea of speaking out, I think of the words of King. He said “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” These are simple words, but they are wonderfully profound in their message to all of us.’ (Martin Luther King Jr. and Silence – written by Marybeth Gasman)

Think about this post as events continue to occur on both a domestic & global scale. What will your position be? Will you continue to remain silent? “‪‎We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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So let me get this right, because I’ve been seeing this position since the incident occurred. So when encountered by law enforcement, despite the circumstances, one should be cooperative, patient, bite their tongue and potentially allow their rights to be violated for fear of being taken into custody or perhaps death (worst case scenario)? Well how come I don’t see this turn the other cheek sh*t when you’re on everybody’s social media posts talking about how a b*tch cut you off in traffic, tried you at the restaurant, hated on you in the club or a f*ck n*gga sizing you? So what you’re saying is you’re “gorilla” with ordinary Joe’s/Jane’s but pooch up when it comes to authority figures? Doesn’t the average individual have the propensity to become violent, which may lead to a physical altercation that could end in death? People who wield power, whether wearing a police/correctional uniform, having the ability to brandish a weapon or being in charge of approving a loan will exert that power because they feel their current positions (at that moment) provide a sense of superiority. When people question that authority & fight back, unfortunately instances like Sandra Bland occur. So if you’re saying fighting back and standing up for what’s right is no longer an option, then what was the point of our ancestors being lynched, sprayed with water hoses, being bitten by dogs, marching/protesting and beaten by cops for? What was the point in having a Malcolm, Martin, Meager, Huey, Marcus, Bobby and Ali to point out these atrocities, standing in our stead facing that same abuse and ridicule? So the next time somebody’s cursing you out, gets your order wrong at a restaurant or provides poor customer service, don’t get mad; don’t ask for a manager, don’t raise up and act as if you’re gonna retaliate or create a problem, because f*ck it! You’re turning the other cheek and practicing good deescalation tactics and people skills. There’s a saying when dealing with the police, “You may beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride!” The ride shouldn’t result in death because of a simple traffic citation or disagreement of principles; no matter the circumstances. No one is saying not to respect authority, but damnit, you desire respect as an individual as well. You shouldn’t have to compromise that. I swear, hindsight be 20/20 like a muthaf*cka! Like a majority of us don’t allow our emotions to get the best of us when confronted or in a heated debate. There’s a war on melanin taking place all over the globe and y’all trying to rationalize. Da f*ck outta here! “We Are The Change!”

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Invisible – Acquisition

We currently exist in a time where everything that we want is but a keystroke away; an era that could be deemed “The Information Age.” Where from behind a keyboard or with the use of a telecommunication device… goods, services, knowledge and varying forms of entertainment can be accessed with the transmission of signals across a wireless network. Yet with all this availability, the distractions (reality television, sporting events, celebrity gossip, etc.) bombarding an individual is enough to stray one off the path of truth and righteous. As explained by Edward L. Bernays (the father of modern advertising) in his book Propaganda, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country…” Bernays goes on to say, “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society…” He then concludes by stating, “In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” Now consider everything Bernays relayed. “Did you choose your identity consciously, or is it the sum total of what other people have told you, significant events in your life, and other factors that occurred without your awareness or approval?” (Tony Robbins) The truth is, prior to you becoming an adult, and having “free will” to make your own decisions, you were indoctrinated into a belief system, political affiliation or religious denomination. I have returned with the Invisible blog series to shed light on what happens behind the scenes that is unbeknownst to the public. For the better part of the United States’ existence (since 1776, 218 years of war, 21 years of peace), the country has been involved in some form of conflict; domestically or aboard. (Click this link for details: The question shouldn’t just be why our troops are engaged in wars in the Middle East? It should also be what are the underlying factors fueling our involvement? Let’s examine this further.

Graph indicates the number of both wartime and peacetime years as of 2011

To understand globalization, you must first understand the Central Banking System. Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the Eight Families (Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehman’s and Kuhn Loeb’s of New York; the Rothschild’s of Paris and London; the Warburg’s of Hamburg; the Lazard’s of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seif’s of Rome) who control the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations. In 1903, Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. Benjamin Strong of Banker’s Trust was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The 1913 creation of the FED (Federal Reserve Act approved by then President Woodrow Wilson) fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. If their overseas loans went unpaid, the oligarchs could then deploy the US Marines to collect the debts. Keep this in mind as we continue. In the year 2000, there were seven (7) countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank. The countries were Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. Travel back in Mr. Peabody’s Wayback machine and think about how the media portrayed these countries; even now. The first step in having a Central Bank established in a country is to get them to accept outrageous loans, which puts the country in debt. If the country does not accept the loan, the leader of the country in question will be assassinated and an “aligned” leader will be put into the position; if the assassination does not work, the country will be invaded and have a Central Bank established with force under the moniker of terrorism. Fast forward to 2003, and the only countries left without a Central Bank were Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. The events which occurred on September 11th led to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. With the “death” of former Prime Minister Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, and with The Bank of South Sudan being the central bank of the Republic of South Sudan, established in July 2011, by an Act of Parliament (The Bank of South Sudan Act, 2011), there are now only three (3) countries left without a Central Bank (Cuba, North Korea and Iran).

To set these events in motion, an “economic hit man” is commissioned to identify a country that has resources that their corporations covet, like oil, and then arrange a huge loan to that country from the World Bank or one of its sister organizations. The money never goes to the country; it however goes to their corporations to build infrastructure projects in that country’s power plants, industrial parks, ports, etc.; commodities that benefit the rich, but are subsidies that are no assistance to the citizens and the country is left with the debt left by these acquisitions. The “economic hit man” is responsible for “assassinating” moral values and destroying a country’s economy, profit and independence. They appear when a country’s in dire straits financially and takes on the role of a diplomat or middleman, announcing the terms, conditions or solutions that can be made to relieve the country of its burden. This may include: sell the oil relatively cheap to United States oil companies; allow the United States to build a military base; send troops as support to someplace in the world (example: Iraq); vote with the United States at United Nations meetings; vote to have their electric utility company and water & sewage system privatized, and sold to United States corporations or other multinational corporations. When the “economic hit man” fails in these scenarios, the next step is to involve the “jackals.” Jackals are CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If that doesn’t work, they perform or attempt assassinations. When these efforts are unsuccessful, the military is called in to complete the job. Now whether you believe the information being relayed to you regarding the establishment of Central/World Banks around the world; the involvement of the Eight Families in global affairs, specifically the Rothschild’s, or the use of “economic hit men” to acquire resources, what is true is that almost half of the world’s wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population ( When you take all this information in its totality, the need for a global awakening is necessary. As Chris Rock so eloquently stated during a December 2014 interview with New York magazine, “If poor people knew how rich rich people are, there would be riots in the streets.” Unless the masses becomes aware of what’s taking place around them, the elite will continue to acquire and control all the earth’s resources, charging exorbitant amounts of money for us to maintain some semblance of a living. #Wakeup “We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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Preyed Upon

I and my kind have roamed these lands for eons. I have no perception of time, so the sun rising and falling are of no consequence to me. I thrive in an ecosystem where every species has its place and familiar with their roles. I have no concept for the species for which I’m categorized; I only follow my animalistic instincts and do what’s natural. I live a free-flowing lifestyle; for I am the lord of these lands and ruler of all I survey. There are others that are thought to be superior to me, but are no challenge to my authority, cunning and intuition. I’m an imposing figure once upright and out of my stance. I’m deceptively fleet of foot and have the mental capacity to astonish. Some have thought I am the missing link to all existence; the strands of my DNA the missing piece to complete the puzzle of all humanity. And for this I’m WANTED.

This day is no different than any other. The morning dew litters the leaves and the sun rays pierce through the vegetation in which I dwell. I and other members of the troop go out to seek nourishment to fill our empty bellies. We separate briefly in an attempt to locate an area of abundance that will satisfy the needs of the band. The acreage in which I live is dubbed the “Dark Continent” because it remains shrouded in mystery and holds treasures the likes the world has never seen. Strangers have scoured these shores capturing my kind and ravaging the land of its resources. I wander the brush and detect an unfamiliar scent. My senses are now heightened. There’s uneasiness in the foliage; a twig breaks silently and I immediately perceive the presence of danger. I seek higher ground from the company of an enemy which remains invisible, and within moments I’m entwined in the confines of a net. I struggle to release myself from this prison and I’m met with butt of a shotgun; struck squarely between my eyes and forehead. I scrape and claw; bite and scratch and with the second blow, I’m left unconscious. I will see the lands of my birth no more.

I awaken caged and shakled. The ebb and flow of the seas make my stomach uneasy. I roar, shaking my enclosure unmercifully in an attempt to escape. My captors can’t understand me, as my dialect is foreign to their ears. Thus, my cries for help go unnoticed. To my enslavers, it’s an annoyance and they strike me with their staffs to silence me. I comply because I wish the pain to stop. We arrive at our destination and I’m met with awe; passersby halt in amazement. They’ve never seen a specimen such as me. Three (3) men to my left appear to negotiate an agreement for my services, and now I’m off to a life which is destined to be brutal and unbearable. They’re confident that because of my strength and size, I can outperform the work done by others; they’re correct in their assessment. They believe because of my stature, I eat meat and will devour everything placed before me, scraps, tiny morsels and all; they’re wrong because it’s been proven that I’m more herbivore than carnivore; the dietary change is something I’ll grow accustomed to. They assume because I can’t articulate my feelings, I’ll absorb their verbal abuse; they’re correct with their assumptions as with each act of defiance I am punished more severely. They think by cracking the whip and striking me with their instruments I’ll work harder, longer, faster; they’re wrong as I can only work to my body strengths and limitations. And after all of this, they force me to breed with others of my kind and continue the cycle that they’ve instilled. And for generations, I and my kind have entertained you; appeared on your televisions and featured films; you’ve pointed at me from the other side of impenetrable glass or a gate separated by a cavern; people have impersonated me and made a mockery of the ideals for which I stand; they’ve performed experiments and still can’t understand the state of my being; and if I’m deemed dangerous, they won’t hesitate to kill me on site. And though my freedom has gradually increased over the decades, I feel no freer than the day of my arrival. I yearn for peace and tranquility, and seek a reversal of the psychological damaged that has been inflicted upon me, plagued my kind and rule our existence. I am the Mountain Gorilla from Rwanda, Africa, and with my dwindling numbers I’m deemed an endangered species. Change my habitat to the concrete jungle and my species to human, what would I be? “We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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Bonus Blog – Declaration of Independence

So during last week’s episode of the show, The Porch Reloaded with Brandt Edwards, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jerrod Johnson, Founder and CEO of Bajree Couture. Through the course of our conversation we discussed the formation of his company, the necessary steps taken to make his dreams come true and Black entrepreneurship. There weren’t any groundbreaking discoveries made to change the way business is conducted; no innovations revealed that couldn’t be found at a seminar hosted by your favorite personality; it was real, genuine, authentic dialogue held between two (2) individuals discussing the differences in being self-sufficient as opposed to a “wage slave.” He pointed out that in the Black community children are taught at an early age to attend school, graduate and pursue a career in the workforce. There’s no incentive reinforced by the elder generations to own a business or stray off the beaten path. Mr. Johnson reflected back on the career of his father, stating that while growing up his dad held a high ranking, prestigious position in the Miami-Dade County Public School System earning an exceptional salary. He relayed that his father would frequently come home disconcerted at the end of the work day and at the time he couldn’t understand why that would be the case. The explanation was simple; it doesn’t matter the dollar amount being earned or the title that precedes your name before it’s spoken, as long as you’re employed by someone and aren’t in control of your own destiny, you’ll forever be a slave. Although I had heard this before, I couldn’t help but be taken aback because the lesson was all too familiar. He then punctuated the conversation by asking the listeners this question: “Who do you know that has gotten rich by working at their job every day?” Now everyone has their own interpretation of wealth, but for me I would define it by being debt free, have a Trust (Trust Fund) to past to future generations that accounts for residual income, owning their home (homes) with no mortgage, travel to and fro without the worry of the cost of expenses, etc. Not amassing a fortune like Floyd Mayweather Jr. or Bill Gates, but the ability to live comfortably and have no pressure on their money despite any circumstance. Go down the list of your family members, peers, co-workers. I can honestly say I don’t know any. There are always exceptions; stories frequently emerge where someone invested wisely and turned their meager salary into a half a million dollar nest egg. But for the most part, many of the people I know are one paycheck away from poverty. That’s crazy!!! Furthermore, Mr. Johnson stated that anytime you’re employed by someone, you’re dependent upon them for your livelihood. If you’re fired, laid off or experience some unforeseeable life circumstance, your income is essentially cut off. In which case, most people don’t have a “Plan B” and are reliant on family members or credit cards to maintain their standard of living; or spiral into an abyss of debt, dissatisfaction and depression. What he continued to reiterate was, if you have confidence in yourself and believe in GOD (or whatever deity), why are you dependent on anyone other than yourself to feed your family and earn a comparable wage. And though it makes sense, many people weigh the factors of “Risk/Reward” and are scared to test the boundaries of their convictions. Failure is deflating; and when you involve money, the odds of people being willing to gamble on themselves in the pursuit of independence are greatly reduced. For some, it’s a matter of semantics; making a daily salary, long hours, ebbs and flows, gratification upon achieving success versus stability, pension, and health care. The choice appears obvious but there’s something to paving your own way and having something which is solely yours that you established that’s appealing. At the close, we both agreed that children should be encouraged to pursue the possibility of entrepreneurship and not directed to join the rigors of the workforce; be another replaceable cog in the wheel of industry. “If you don’t build your dreams someone will hire you to help build theirs.” – Tony Gaskins “We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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Initially, I had planned to write this as a correspondence on my wall on Facebook because the subject was a little too personal and I didn’t want it attributed to the brand I’m trying to create. But then I said to myself, “F*ck it! I’m all in!” As you well know, if you’re a follower of me and many of the endeavors I’ve established (Internet radio show, blog & Fan Page, social media, etc.) I’m real big on narcissism. And not that I’m questioning your intelligence but, here’s a definition of the word; because let’s be real, many of you have no idea of what it means. Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. Now some of you are shaking your head and saying to yourself, “Brandt…! You some bullsh*t! How da f*ck you gonna say something like that & you be posting on this muthaf*cka (social media) 100 times a day?” I know, I know! I hate the sh*t myself! It’s a necessary evil. You see, I “thought” I had established a good enough reputation with my actions, deeds, kindness and work, that I could I just “announce” I was doing something that would be beneficial to the community and enlighten the masses that people would immediately flock to it based on premise that I had a “clean face.” See, contrary to popular belief, I hate attention. I like to lurk in the shadow and remain in mystery. Sure I like to be lauded for my accomplishments, but for the most part, I’m cool with not being the center of attention. That’s not a lack of confidence, just the applause of the crowd doesn’t appeal to me because I know it can be stripped and turned into “boos” at any moment. And boy was I wrong! You have to beg for attention to captivate the public’s imagination. Thus, it requires me to be active on social media to attempt to amass an audience. The irony is, when I first established my venture, I asked a collection of “friends” should I even return to social media (because I had left) to promote and establish my brand. And from the collective it was a resounding “Yes!” It’s funny how those same individuals don’t follow the pages, approve of the information or show support to the endeavors. (Sigh) It is what it is.

The question must be asked, without social media, what would people do to garner attention? In a world where hiding behind a keyboard, your profile avatar and “check-in” location allow you to create the persona you want the world to envision, how would people receive the gratification they so desire? What I’ve learned in recent weeks is that everyone isn’t a narcissist. They say the eyes are the window to the soul; and behind the red tinted eyes of individuals in both selfies and usies are people screaming out for help. They don’t want the attention that comes with luxury and beauty. They yearn for the comfort of a warm touch; they desire an attentive ear to listen to their problems and dreams; they crave the love that’s been lost with the absence of a cherished individual or failed relationship. So to compensate, they hide behind the burst of the flash bulbs, drown their sorrows with bottles laced with sparklers paraded throughout dimly lit venues, resort to retail therapy or immerse themselves in their work to avoid the issues that plague them. I’ve met people for which, despite their beauty, job status and intellect, feel empty because they’re attempting to fill an unknown void in their lives; their self esteem plummets because of the slightest adversity. I pity them. Many of them can’t handle the pressures life has to offer and they either decide to create a persona to compensate, wallow in their misery and plunge into depression or commit suicide. That’s not to say that everyone who has over 1,000 photos of themselves falls into this category, because the large majority of the public exudes confidence. It’s the individuals that you’re unaware of that should a concern; those that portray an image that everything’s fine that you should be leery of. It breaks my heart that I know people that are unhappy with themselves despite everything they have to offer and all of their achievements. So this blog is for them. From this day forward, I won’t make disparaging remarks about those who wish to inundate the worldwide web with images of themselves. (Cross my heart) However, for those to which this applies, stop hiding behind the lens of the camera, refocus, and ask for the help you seek. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words; it’s worth even less when you don’t know and understand your value. “We Are The Change!” I’m gone! (b)

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Black Republicans

So as the election results poured in Tuesday night, many people, especially those of color, were disappointed with the outcome.  In the course of one evening, the Republicans seized control of the United States government by now having a majority in both the House (House of Representatives) and Senate.  For the next two (2) years of Barack Obama’s tenure as president, there’s sure to be “bipartisan” gridlock on Capitol Hill.  Up and down my News Feed on Facebook conversations reached a crescendo with complaints about the lack of voter turnout, individuals caring more about standing in line for the latest iPhone or Jordan sneaker release as opposed to performing their civic duty, and people flatly saying that didn’t vote nor did they care.  What was more revealing and not a surprise was the number of people who were against Republican leadership.  Which then lead to this question being raised on Facebook and other social media outlets, why were African Americans Democrats?

The two (2) party political system has an interesting history, and for African Americans the account is revealing.  For many of us, similar to that of religion, your party affiliation was made for you by your parents.  Once you were eligible to apply for a Voters Registration Card, you were told that you were associated with ____ party.  Perhaps as you’ve gotten older, taken on responsibilities and discovered that the democratic process means more in your everyday life, you may have examined further, switched parties or disassociated yourself with the process entirely.  African Americans are for the most part Democrats.  A person of color dares not say they’re Republican for risk of ridicule; ask Stacy Dash.  The Republican Party was founded to end slavery and Blacks mostly voted Republican from after the Civil War and through the early part of the 20th century.  This is not surprising considering Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president and is applauded for signing the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.  From 1869 to 1935, every African American elected to Congress was a Republican.  The “Left” appears to spin history in their favor in the present and neglects to mention that it was the Democratic Party who founded the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1865.  Moreover, it was the Democrats who instated Jim Crow laws and poll taxes. Initially, the Democratic Party did not welcome Blacks, and it wasn’t until 1924 that African Americans were permitted to attend Democratic conventions in any bureaucrat capacity.  The tide began changing as early as the 1913 to 1921 presidency of Woodrow Wilson, and swung again in 1932 with the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  In 1936, FDR received 71% of the Black vote and had comparable numbers in the next two (2) elections.  However, the number of Black Americans who thought themselves Republicans were virtually equal.  It wasn’t until the election of Harry Truman (a Klansman who opposed Civil Rights legislation) in 1948, where he acquired 77% of the Black vote that a majority of Blacks reported themselves as Democrats.

Issues that contributed to the demise of the Republican Party amongst Black voters were the implementation of the Southern Strategy by Richard Nixon (though he was a supporter of Civil Rights) and the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1965 Voting Rights Act.   The Southern strategy was Nixon’s campaign strategy to win the southern United States for the Republican Party during the 1968 and 1972 elections by catering to the residents’ primary concern: Desegregation.  In his 1960 loss to John F. Kennedy, Nixon was able to get 32% of the Black vote.  Lee Atwater, a political strategist for Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, described the Southern Strategy in a 1981 interview:“”You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.””   Michael Steele, former head of the RNC (Republican National Committee), on the Southern strategy: “For the last 40-plus years we had a “Southern strategy” that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South. Well, guess what happened in 1992, folks, “Bubba” went back home to the Democratic Party and voted for Bill Clinton.” 

According to a report from the JFK Library, “By the 1960 presidential campaign, Civil Rights had emerged as a crucial issue.  Just a few weeks before the election, Martin Luther King Jr., was arrested while leading a protest in Atlanta, Georgia.  John Kennedy phoned Coretta Scott King to express his concern while a call from Robert Kennedy to the judge helped secure her husband’s safe release.  The Kennedy’s personal intervention led to a public endorsement by Martin Luther King, Sr., the influential father of the civil rights leader.”  After King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963, then President Lyndon B. Johnson (who opposed Civil Rights legislation in the decades leading up to his presidency) pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) which his opponent, Senator Barry Goldwater opposed.  This took place after the assassination of Kennedy in November of 1963.  As a result, LBJ received 94% of the Black vote that year. The JFK Library states, “Before becoming vice president, Johnson had served more than two decades in Congress as a congressman and senator from Texas.  He used his connections with southern White congressional leaders and the outpouring of emotion after the president’s assassination to passs the Civil Rights Act as a away to honor President Kennedy.” What’s lost in history is that the crux of the bill was drafted and pushed through Congress by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen.  The following year, Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act and since that time, no Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15% of the Black vote.  You then include the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush, the party’s stances on abortion, Social Security, the war on drugs, etc., and you can see why people of color are against them as a party.  As I’ve mentioned before, party affiliation isn’t as important as the financial backing you have when trying to implement and influence change.  The power of currency is all that matters in these times of high stakes poker involving war, drugs, natural resources and commodities.  The Bill of Rights was created to advise citizens of their entitlements under the law and the obligation of elected officials to uphold them; the public shouldn’t be exploited as a result no matter the party affiliation.  “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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