
A birthmark is a benign irregularity on the skin which is present at birth or appears shortly after birth, usually in the first month. They can occur anywhere on the skin. There are methods of removal which include cosmetic surgery or vanishing crèmes, however in a person’s subconscious, whenever they look at the location where the mark once existed, it’ll be a constant reminder of a blemish which caused an imperfection.  To a person of color, as am I, our melanated skin is a lifetime souvenir that cannot be returned to its original owner.  It’s the sole identifying trait that differentiates us from the rest of society.  To the ill-informed, most believe that the presence of melanin relates to skin, hair and eye pigmentation. However, unbeknownst to a majority of the masses, melanin contains within it the entire electromagnetic spectrum; all the colors of the rainbow.  Our exposure to the sun recharges us; supplying us with a natural ability to manufacture vitamins like Niacin and Vitamin D; and on a spiritual level, an active pineal gland (3rd Eye) secretes melatonin which creates melanin.  Although many of us enjoy our inherited qualities, a large portion of society “hates the skin that I’m in” and have displayed their displeasure over the course of time.  The inclusion of self-hatred, whereby people of color are psychologically programmed to have a dislike, distain and distrust for their own race (i.e. the Willie Lynch syndrome) magnifies our circumstance and makes it all the more difficult to cope during these trying times.

“White privilege (or white skin privilege) is a term for societal privileges, existing in predominantly white societies, that benefit white people beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, or economic circumstances. The term denotes both obvious and less obvious unspoken advantages that white persons may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice. These include cultural affirmations of one’s own worth; presumed greater social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely. The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one’s own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal. It can be compared to and/or combined with the concept of male privilege.”  The lesson that should be learned and reinforced to people of color in relation to the death of Mike Brown (Ferguson, Missouri; unarmed black male youth killed by police officer Darren Wilson) is that “your skin is your sin.” I’ve been disappointed by the comments on social media which in many instances state that “racism exists, there’s nothing that can be done about it” or “But really, I fault in the parenting of each one of the individuals I just spoke of (Mike Brown and Kajieme Powell)! Parenting consists of teaching kids right from wrong, respecting authority, hard work, etc…! I know one thing that’s a fact, if each one of these kids respected authority, it don’t happen…” In “my” opinion, those comments are irresponsible on many levels.  True, racism is the elephant in the room that no one wishes to discuss; the ruling class is unwilling to make amends for the past and are reluctant to rectify the wrongs of yesteryear by providing “significant” initiatives that provide people of color an opportunity to appear on equal footing on “all” levels.  Secondly, teaching your child morals, values, respecting authority and the importance of hard work have nothing to do with the fact that as an individual under the Constitution of the United States, each of us has a right to “due process.”  In the case of Mike Brown, he was denied his Fourteenth (14th) Amendment Right defined in the first section and states that no state can “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  And as with many of our brothers and sisters which have been struck down by the “long arm” of the Criminal Justice System without justification, we’re “all” entitled to an opportunity to appear before a jury of our “peers” to be either found guilty or exonerated of any wrong doing.  Many of you reading this won’t ever have the specter of being watched or followed in convenience or department stores under the suspicion of stealing merchandise; you don’t have to worry about being apprehensive when the police abruptly drive behind your vehicle, palms sweating as you peer through your rear view mirror observing the officer call in your license plate information and subsequently pull you over under the pretense of “your vehicle fits the description of a (blank) in progress!”  Even as I explain this, you can never fully understand what being “Black” means. To many it’s a source of pride; to others, a badge of shame.  It means being looked upon as a second (2nd), sometimes third (3rd) class citizen.  It means be overlooked for jobs when you know you’re distinctly qualified and the person hired doesn’t have the expertise or experience; it means working twice as hard to receive the accolades of an individual barely doing enough to get by. It’s unfortunate but real.

“I ain’t did nothing/Nobody sweat me/They just won’t me, go on with my life/But I’mma protect me /Can’t let them stress me/So let me go or read me my rights!” Scarface Presents… The Product “Read”

And lastly, as evidenced by the incident concerning Ray Allen and his family where several white teens came into his home in the middle of the night, causing Allen’s wife who was asleep with their children to fear for her life, and police not bringing forth charges characterizing it as a “silly prank”, many of you won’t ever have to worry about hearing this statement, “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.”  Let’s be honest, if the situation involved Black youths, they would’ve been detained, arrested, sentenced and forced to live with the remnants of a “Scarlet Letter” on their records (adjudication withheld or conviction) which would mar them for the remainder of their lives. The Miranda Rights were created in 1966 as a result of the United States Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona. The Miranda warning is intended to protect the suspect’s Fifth Amendment right to refuse to answer self-incriminating questions.  The Miranda rights do not go into effect until after an arrest is made. The officer is free to ask questions before an arrest, but must inform the suspect that the questioning is voluntary and that he or she is free to leave at any time. The answers to these questions are admissible in court.  In many cases you don’t have an opportunity to have them read as in the recent incident involving Charles Belk, a television and film producer who was mistakenly arrested by Beverly Hills police who stated, “Within an evening, I was wrongly arrested, locked up, denied a phone call, denied explanation of charges against me, denied ever being read my rights, denied being able to speak to my lawyer for a lengthy time, and denied being told that my car had been impounded…..All because I was misidentified as the wrong ‘tall, bald head, black male,’ … ‘fitting the description.’” And with that prize comes many times being handcuffed, detained and ordered to sit on the curb as onlookers pass in their cars judging and perhaps saying to themselves “Their kind are always in trouble.” And when proven to be in error, the person victimized will often times never receive an apology. Do I believe there’s a way to overcome the racial barriers built by society that hinders our progress? Of course I do! With my success, I hope to enlighten and empower others to overcome those same hurdles.  However, as NWA so amply stated in their song “Niggaz4Life”, and this is true, unfortunate and a sad reality, no matter the measure of success, until things change the lyrics exacerbates  the following, “You’re a nigga ’til you die/If you’re a poor nigga, then you’re a poor nigga/If you’re a rich nigga, you’re a rich nigga/But you never stop being a nigga/And if you get to be educated, you’s an educated nigga.”  Damn… Something has to change. It is our responsibility to not sit idly and elicit that change. “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Shh…! Quiet! Class Is In Session!

I’mma drop this gem and keep it moving. In the South Florida area, and much like many areas in the nation, yesterday was the first day of school. Excitement began anew as we sent our young explorers to the care of those charged with assisting to lay the foundation for their lives moving forward. But let me give you something to think about, and I may be wrong so I can be straightened. Have you ever thought how attending school strips our children of their individuality? It appears as though school is a conduit which creates motion turning the wheel that supports the corporate structure of this country. Don’t get me wrong, I believe education is paramount and the thirst for knowledge is essential in being able to survive the cruelties this world has to offer. But is standardized testing a measure of a child’s intelligence. It appears as though students are being groomed to pass a test (or series of tests) and are not prepared for the trials of everyday living upon completing their formal education. At the time of my entry into college, my SAT/ACT scores weren’t phenomenal but I was still able to get a “piece” of scholarship, graduate near honors and still accomplish great things.  Uniforms save money but hinders creativity and competition. Sh*t, who didn’t want to be freshest on the first day of school; showing off the latest fashion or the hottest trend. Now the only differentiation a person has is with their shoes and/or accessories, maybe.


If I provided you with these demographics what would you think: bells, gates & walls, one or few unlocked doors for access, timed schedule for activities, a cafeteria, drab-looking facades, cramped quarters, socialization mentality, authoritarian structure, dress code, emphasis on silence & order, negative reinforcement, walking in lines, loss of individual autonomy, abridged freedoms, no input in decision making, set times enforced for walking, eating, etc.; given all that, where would you think your child (my child) would be? If you were to say prison or school, you’d be right on both accounts. Wardens are equivalent to administrators; there’s a high inmate/student to guard/teacher ratio; and instead of lockdowns, there’s lockdown drills. This dissertation is in no way an attempt to discount the efforts of teachers, as they have the responsibility of educating students based on the curriculum they’re implored to instruct. It’s the system itself that needs to be revamped. People attend schools for ex-number of years, face enormous debt as a result of loans and then, if they’re lucky to find a job, work in an industry that suppresses their creative desires and repay those loans at a high interest rate. All the while, especially during their formative years, any thoughts of being entrepreneurs or innovators are being shredded with the sentiments shared by both parents and teachers alike, “Finish high school, go to college or get a trade, then get a job!” Is that living or slavery? What made individuals so unique in the days of yesteryear were their abilities to be sound in all aspects of life; penmanship, the studies of the sciences, philosophy, being proficient in world history and culture, which made many of our predecessors soundly astute. And despite all I’ve written, our children still have an opportunity to break the cycle destined for them if they continue to follow protocol. Like all things, it begins at home first. Equip you child with the weapons (information/knowledge) to question everything being presented to them. Be involved in their development every step of the way; ensure that they’re being challenged and their abilities are being enhanced. And lastly, encourage individualism; not saying that your child shouldn’t be sociable or be a “team player”, but as mentioned before by this writer, we were born to stand out and be from amongst the crowd by our thoughts, talents & ideals; so support that. Keep in mind that prior to the fame, success and glory, they must capitulate (Stephen A. Smith word) to the norms of society until they establish their own brand, have control of their own business and have complete sovereignty over their own assets.  All our lives we’ve been taught to avoid incarceration as it’s a detriment to anything you want to accomplish in life; so why are we subjecting our children to the psychological constraints of an educational system which in some instances has been proven to be non-beneficial. “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Invisible 0

There’s this thought that a large portion of society is oblivious to what’s taking place in the world; essentially going about their lives unconcerned with events taking place around them.  According to those who follow the teachings of the Five Percent Nation, 85% of the people are blind to the knowledge of themselves and God.  10% of the people know the truth, but teach a lie for their personal gain.  This would include religious leaders and the governments of the earth that deceive and mislead the majority of the world through the use of mass media outlets and other forms of communication.  The remaining 5% are those that do not subscribe to the teachings of the 10% and know the truth.  Alas, many won’t admit they fall into the 85 percentile because they want to be perceived as knowledgeable of all things and use their discretion when discussing an array of subject matters.  However, when pressed on their belief systems, you’ll soon discover that those who wish to separate themselves from the larger majority cannot do so because they’re entrenched in positions where their convictions won’t allow them to see humanity in any other fashion than what’s been embedded in them.  Removing the veil that blinds them from the truth is a difficult task because those ideals have been passed down for generations.  Anything new shocks the conscious; for the fear of change means rebuilding principles that were proven to be false. So to them life is about awaking each morning, preparing for work or school, taking care of loved ones, earning some semblance of an income and enjoying life’s pleasures before turning in for a night’s sleep; a recurring cycle that only changes with the proclamation of life (birth of a loved one) or death (death of a loved one).  I’ve titled this series of blogs “Invisible” for several reasons.  The word invisible is defined as impossible to see; hidden; not easily noticed or unrecorded statistically.  For those of you that study religion, you are taught to have faith; trust in the deity you worship and be assured that by following the ordinances issued in scripture, you’ll be absolved from sin and granted favor.  This belief is a contributing force that governs the human psyche and provides a sense of purpose.  God is in and all around you; controller of all things and the master of all mysteries.  Then there are the ones amongst us who remain shrouded in secrecy. When one speaks of a “secret society”, dare I say the Illuminati; a calculating elite that has intentions of controlling the planet, the same premise can be applied.  They too are invisible; and when spoken of, the hypothesis is dismissed like a plot to a James Bond movie.  No matter the evidence, the masses can’t fathom a group of individuals who can accumulate enough power to hold the populous at bay like marionettes on the puppeteer’s strings.  Amidst that speculation, it’s my job to tear down that tapestry and reveal to you what’s truly happening in the world around you. Your skepticism is meaningless when supported by the truth.  “The People must believe that they are not manipulated in order for them to be manipulated effectively.”  Keep this in mind as I provide information for this series,   “The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.” “On February 14, 2003, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization. The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.”



Let us begin and set the foundation for what’s to come.  There are three (3) places in the world that doesn’t have an allegiance to any nation and does not pay taxes.  These three (3) city-states include Washington D.C., Inner City of London and Vatican City. A city-state is an independent or autonomous entity, not administered as a part of another local government, whose territory consists of a city and possibly its surrounding territory. A city-state can also be defined as a central city and its surrounding villages, which together follow the same law, have one form of government, and share languages, religious beliefs, and ways of life. Historically these included famed cities like Rome, Athens and Carthage, but today only a handful of sovereign city-states exist, with some disagreement as to which states should and should not be considered city-states.  Vatican City was founded in 1929 and is not a considered apart of Rome or the country of Italy.  The city has its own newspaper, flag, prison and military (the Swiss Guard).  The second (2nd) is London’s Inner City.  It became a sovereign state in 1694 under King William III of Orange.  By 1812, Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and was able to wrestle away control of the Bank of England.  The city-state of London is the world’s financial center and is the wealthiest square mile on the planet.  It houses most of the banks of the world, has its own courts, laws, flag and police force.  It isn’t apart of greater London, England or the British Commonwealth and again pays no taxes.  It’s headquarters to worldwide British Freemasonry and for the Crown (which is the corporate city-state of London). The Crown is headed by a ring of thirteen (13) ruling families which include the Rothschild’s, Warburg’s, Oppenheimer’s and Schiff’s.   The last is the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.), located on ten (10) square miles of land.  It also has its own flag and constitution.  Each of these city-states has an obelisk at its center; the Washington Monument in D.C.; Cleopatra’s Needle in London; and the Vatican Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square.  Each of the “Empire of Cities” represents a specific purpose; Washington D.C. (military); London (finances) and Vatican City (religion).  This triumvirate is responsible for everything that takes place around the world and controls our lives; pay attention to the news as one or all are frequently featured and discussed.  This is only the beginning as to what’s to come from this series of writings and we unveil truth.  It is my hope that you find them informative and it awakens your curiosity as to what’s happening on the globe.  This is but the appetizer; the meal is forthcoming. “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Listen to the show on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm: blogtalkradio.com/antirobotnetwork or www.theporchfellas.com

Amongst The Crowd

Look! Yeah, look over there! You see them trying to be different?  Who do they think they are? The nerve!!! They have the audacity to go against conventional wisdom, challenge authority and think outside the box. All of our lives we’ve been taught what to do, think, eat, watch, read and listen to. Now here they come with their blogs, posts, uplifting photos; talks of abandoning religion, critical thinking, sacred geometry, life in other galaxies and the “powers that be” trying to rule the world.  Yeah right! Ain’t nobody got time for that sh*t! Besides, I have bills to pay, parties to attend and the season finale of “Power” came on last night and it left me in suspense. What’s so special about being different?  If I sit right here, go with the flow, everything will be fine.  I have a job where my superiors applaud my work ethic.  (Oh, that’s right! Haven’t gotten a raise in a minute)   Well, at least when I go out I wear the latest trends; I be killin’ ‘em! (Whoa! That person’s wearing the same outfit as me). I’mma go home and watch this ol’ television and catch up on these reality shows. Did I hear about what? They passed what law? There’s a reduction in our pension fund? The government did what? How can that be? Wow…. I just didn’t know.




For most of the general public, that first paragraph explains their way of life; a never ending cycle of complacency; sometimes spanning generations. People figuring they can get by remaining status quo.  When you hear someone labeled as a “black sheep”, it automatically gives off a negative connotation.  That person’s rebellious; they’re an outcast amongst their family and friends; a loner.  Why can’t that person just be different and unwilling to follow the proverbial crowd?   If the quote, “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?” is true, then why when a person ventures to do so they’re mocked and ridiculed?  Isn’t that hypocritical? Dare I say, when a person follows their own path, it appears to be the one of MOST resistance.  Most people are fearful of change; therefore they feel uncomfortable when you do.  Life is ever changing, ever evolving.  So when you show signs of physical, emotional and spiritual growth, it appears as though the people involved in your life are reluctant to allow you to reach new heights and plateaus.  They’re so terrified that you’ll leave them behind, that they’ll do everything in their power to hold on; even sabotaging your efforts to continue your journey.  You can’t allow that to hinder your progress; as we’re all here for a primary purpose.  Some people are willing to seize the day; discover and walk in their “divine purpose.”  While others play the role of sidekick; following whomever has the “juice” for the moment, living of their achievements.  There’s no risk involved, yet they lie awake well into the early morning hours wondering why their lives seem empty, unfulfilled and their souls yearn for more.  It’s frivolous for me to belabor the point as to why you should go your way and follow your own destiny.  It’s cliché ish.  However, from the time you reach an age to apply rational thought and distinguish what role (leader or follower) you want to play in this thing called life, you’ve had the power to control all things.  You don’t need books like “The Secret”, or watch videos imploring “Positive Affirmations” to encourage and prod you to take the necessary steps to change your life.  It’s merely a matter of being courageous enough to take the risk, brave enough to break the constraints of being a part of the crowd and being willing at times to go it alone. And I do mean alone in every sense of the word. Everyone won’t share your drive and passion; your mind sometimes will be riddled with doubt; there will be days in which you feel unwilling to persevere; where it appears the whole world’s against you, what you stand for and what you’re trying to accomplish.  But this I assure you; if you’re willing to endure the challenges and hurdle every obstacle, the rewards are enormous.  “We Are The Change!”  I’m gone! (b)

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Listen to the show on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm: blogtalkradio.com/antirobotnetwork or www.theporchfellas.com